Well-known member
Prefix Filters per Forum-Category
- this Filter shows Prefixes across Forums in a specific Forum-Category.
- clicking on a Prefix, will return all threads (with certain Prefix) from ALL Forums which are in a specific Forum-Category.
This works very similar as it is already implemented at the "Resource Manager" (e.g. when you can search for "Styles" which are either "Paid" or "Free" via the Filters-Dropdown).
Prefix Filters per Forum-Category
- this Filter shows Prefixes across Forums in a specific Forum-Category.
- clicking on a Prefix, will return all threads (with certain Prefix) from ALL Forums which are in a specific Forum-Category.
This works very similar as it is already implemented at the "Resource Manager" (e.g. when you can search for "Styles" which are either "Paid" or "Free" via the Filters-Dropdown).
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