Post Time Stamps In The Future?


Well-known member
Affected version
Been using 2.2.1 since it was released. Have not had any issues reported until today.

I saw this was an issue in 2.1.x and was marked fixed. Looks like it is back.

Likely this is due to your browser doesn't know current time when you performs some actions. I have this behavior only if my PC goes to sleep mode (Windows/macOS - no matter) with opened browser, and when i bring it out of sleep, I can see phrases like "Tomorrow in 12:34" “In a moment” when performing any AJAX actions (such as loading alerts in usermenu) before I refresh the tab.
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Three users got that future time stamps ("in a moment") plus an annoying 10-second-freeze before loading any site. It occurs independent of browser, system and network, seems solely account-related.


  • User #1: the problem disappeared after a day or two without any action.
  • User #2: used cmd.exe: "net stop w32time", "w32tm /unregister", "w32tm /register", "net start w32time". Problem disappeared immediately on all devices.
  • User #3: the problem is still unsolved for months. Not a Windows-user, but the problem also occurs when logged in on a Windows-system. Is there a way to reproduce user #2's solution on Android or IOS? Any idea would be appreciated :-)
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