XF 1.5 Possible User Upgrade Problem

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Over the past two month I've had a much higher than usual number of user subscription upgrades fail. I'm trying to figure out if it's a case of available funds or if there's a real issue here.

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 3.49.36 AM.webp

The most common issue is subscription payment failed with txn_type: subscr_failed.

Another is Unknown Upgrade: Information: No txn_id. No action to take.
Input appreciated.
That error indicates that PayPal failed to take the payment for whatever reason. Insufficient funds would certainly be a likely reason.

A member messaged me regarding this, asking why their upgrade wasn't active. I haven't confirmed they have funds in their account but based on their message it sounds like they do, or at least a linked bank/card. My inclination here is that it's not processing correctly for some reason.

The member in question has two "Unknown Upgrade - Information: Subscription payment failed" errors. I'll try to get confirmation from them that the have available funds on their end.

Is there a guide for troubleshooting this? Anything I can do to test the upgrade system?

Edit: I'm having an issue with digitalpoints Better Analytics add-on being unable to call API data from Google Analytics. He thinks it's a DNS. Could such an issue be related here?
All that message is reporting is what PayPal is reporting to us. XF doesn't have any involvement in trying to take the payment, so there's nothing in your XF installation that could cause this. If you think the report is a false positive, you may need to check with PayPal directly.
I'm using ThemeHouse's Multi-Campaign manager and xfrock's [bd] Paygates add-ons. I suspect my problem with recurring payments on subscription is related to either the first or a conflict between the two and/or my PayPal configuration.

I know you don't offer support for those add-ons so I'll seek it in their threads, but I did have a question regarding PayPals IPN set-up and the PayPal callback URL.

To receive subscriptions PayPal IPN must be enabled, correct? What about the callback URL? In researching this problem on Xenforo.com I read that you callback URL doesn't need to be set, but it should? Is the default callback url /payment_callback.php?

I ask because the payment add-ons I mention above seemed to have multi non-default callback URLs and I'm wondering if having a specific IPN callback URL in my PayPal settings might cause use of IPNs through other non-declared callback URLs to be declined.
This issue wouldn't relate to IPN callbacks. First, the payment failure is happening internally within PayPal, so it's not something that an external system should influence. Second, you're actually getting the callbacks to indicate the payment failures so that indicates that the callbacks are getting through so other callback URLs shouldn't necessarily be involved.
For whatever it's worth. I've had so far two forms that I manage that have had the PayPal IPN notification (in paypal) set to off, when I know for a fact that I had them enabled previously.

I only looked because the client complained of payments failing recently, and I'm assuming that this is the cause...

Perhaps paypal has made some kind of changes to this setting, and made some user account IPN disabled?

Both websites are using https protocol for the IPN Callback URL, so I don't think it's that.
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