XF 1.2 Possible to rename the security error to something user friendly?

Stuart Wright

Well-known member
So as I understand it, if you try to submit a form on a page which has expired after 15 minutes, you get a rather scary security error.
Is it possible to reword this so it's not so scary?
You can change anything.

Just search for the text of the phrase in the Admin CP > Appearance > Search Phrases.

Specifically you're referring to the security_error_occurred phrase, I believe.
Fair enough. Thought it might not have been phrased because it's such an unfriendly message that I assumed it was generated by 'the system' or something.
Changed it to
The page you were on has timed out as it loaded it more than 15 minutes ago. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again.
I'm not sure where 15 minutes comes from - normal usage is 24 hours AND the automatic token updater not running (it does get disabled when tabs are blurred).
I thought it was the normal session timeout Mike. 15 minutes and didn't click 'remember me'.
What would be a more technically correct, granny friendly message then please?
If their session times out, they would normally get a permission error. I think they should just be able to log back in. I would just drop the time as well.

I only note this because if you're getting reports of users seeing this with some frequency, that may be an indication of a problem somewhere else.

FWIW, session timeouts are after 60 minutes.
The impression that the session time is only lasting 15 minutes could be down to those memcache errors you've been getting in the Server Error Log.
I thought it was a 15 minute session length because that is kind of a standard (?).
I set it to


What you have Online Status Timeout set to, which can go as high as 60 minutes, is when members disappear from Members Online Now. However, their last location will still show for up to an hour and can go as far as two hours depending on whenever that cron job runs -- I think that's what @Mike said when I asked about "last seen" a long time ago.
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