Please include a Standard Editor


Well-known member
I hope there will be an option to use a Standard Editor. I really prefer using a standard editor for these primary reasons.

1) Cut and paste is easier. On a WYSIWYG editor, when you paste text it sometimes carries information you don't want, such as emphasize or link information.

2) When you have large pictures in editor, it's almost impossible to arrange text. The attach code is a better solution.

3) Standard editors typically have less problems and bugs.
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I believe several BBCodes are on the todo list, quote, code, etc.

The Code button I added was just an example. Perhaps "Attachment Code" would be more clear. The purpose is to add the

[ attach]1234[ /attach]

bbcode which would allow easier message editing. Without this ability it would make editing messages with large images very difficult.
I completely understand what you are saying. This xf code is in the really early stages, I believe there are many more things on their todo list such as that. Just in case someone official does not see this thread, thought I would give you input.
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