Implemented Please get rid of out of focus screens

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I'm actually going to like this myself, at first I kind of liked it, but now I'm much less keen, reminds me too much of paywall sites blurring the background.

Take reporting a post for example, I might want to reference back to it to explain why im reporting it, but with it blurred, I cant.
I'm coming around to supporting switching back to a gray overlay instead.

The transition effect seems to be a little stuttery on my Macbook.

It can be handy to still be able to reference something behind the overlay too, as Slavik mentioned.
I would also like an option to disable the effect. I find the transition makes me feel surprisingly uncomfortable.

I'm actually going to like this myself, at first I kind of liked it, but now I'm much less keen, reminds me too much of paywall sites blurring the background.

That may well be a factor, the feeling of disappointment you get when you unexpectedly hit a pay-wall.
I can't decide if I like it or not, offhand, but I do agree that an option to turn it off would be nice. If people here are complaining about it causing dizziness and whatever, safe bet some forum members everywhere will.
I had an issue with our background on the theme I am using as it remained blurred (a settings error on my part).
I had countless complaints about it and some members emailed to say they couldn't use the forums because of the blurred image.

Just my tuppence worth in this debate :)
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