Please enter a message with no more than 420 characters

library/XenForo/DataWriter/ProfilePostComment.php (at a guess)

protected function _preSave()
        if ($this->isChanged('message'))
            $maxLength = 420;
            if (utf8_strlen($this->get('message')) > $maxLength)
                $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_message_with_no_more_than_x_characters', array('count' => $maxLength)), 'message');
More... open library/XenForo/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage/ProfilePost.php

Find and fix: $maxLength = 140;
$options[self::OPTION_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = 420;
The page title is a different limit and beast, because it is set at VARCHAR(50) in the database schema, so in order to change that, the database structure would have to change, which may affect other nodes, such as forum and forum category name
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