Well-known member
Well since I renewed my license and stepped back into the forum admin world I figured I'd make a new critique thread. Check it out and let me know what you think. Join and debate perhaps. We need help starting the place up and could use some difference of opinion.
I'm using the XendisConnect theme by the much awesome Russ. I've found that older users, at least in the political niche, are often very wary about joining a xenforo forum. They usually go for the old standard of VB or I made the board look like VB5 to ease them into it.
I've modified the posts to how I want them to look. Very basic and no clutter at all. No post count or signature. The only thing there is their name, avatar, and a ribbon stating their role.
The banner at the top is a block to make it look more similar to my main site (Patriotic Voices). XendisConnect's logo is not in a block but I felt it looked better considering.
So basically the point of the site is to start a grass roots conservative movement that will replace the now dysfunctional Tea Party. Our goal is to modernize conservatism and to restore the governmental focus to where it should always be: on the citizen. We believe in rights and liberty, the constitution, and smaller government. We're basically going to be what the Tea Party should have become before it was corrupted.
This movement will likely take 5-10 years to take effect and gain a foot hold however we've been doing well at getting noticed lately. We we're already threatened to be sued by the Tea Party even though they had no grounds to do so (Think IB vs Xenforo). We're getting about 500 visits a day on the main site.
Anyways that's it. Let me know what you think. Is there anything I should add? Subtract?? Go ahead give me some feedback