XF 1.4 Patching 1.4.5


Well-known member
I'm running XF 1.4.5. I don't wish to upgrade at this moment. Can I use the 1.4.8 patch files for today's security release?
Generally within a branch (x.X), the patch should work. However, the patches reflect code based on the previous version (1.4.7) and are really only "designed" for that version (or checked against it). In this case, you are likely ok but it's not necessarily something we could guarantee.
There are two issues. One is specific to notices; this one is rather specific in requirements. The other is not specific to any one area and could theoretically happen in various places (though relatively few are user controlled).

I would recommend patching over not doing anything, though I would recommend upgrading over either if you're not currently on 1.4.7.
Thanks for the quick reply and information. I applied the patch files. If I notice any oddities, I'll do the full upgrade. Better safe than sorry.
Hi @cmeinck, @Bionic Rooster and @Brogan, can you kinldy confirm you haven't experienced any issue by using only the three patch files to patch 1.4.5?

I simply need to open FTP and overwrite these three files, right? No need to go to www.example.com/community/install/?

I've 1.4.5. First time patching... At the moment, I don't care about the bug fixes (need to test 1.4.8 before using it on producion site).
Thanks! :)
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As far as I am aware it should work.

Just edit the three files on your computer and upload them to the server, overwriting the current files.
What should I edit of these files? I've simply downloaded the patch .zip, extracted the files on my PC, uploaded and overwrote the three to the existing ones.

Edit: Maybe you meant to download the files I've on the server, copy the code from the downloaded files, and upload them? Isn't useless and longer than what I did?
Sorry but I'm not English.
Thanks for the reply.
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