XF 1.1 Particular phrase missing but still there


Well-known member
If you click at the "What's New?" link and no new content is there you get the message "You have no unread threads. You may view all recent threads instead". The phrase for this is "no_unread_threads_view_recent".

I have searched the templates for this phrase but with no result. This means that it's not produced with {xen:phrase no_unread_threads_view_recent}, but somehow else. So does anyone know where this phrase comes from?
/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/FindNew.php Line 175

            return $this->responseMessage(new XenForo_Phrase(
                array('link' => XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('find-new/threads', false, array('recent' => 1)))
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