Participants leaving a conversation & removing them from one


Well-known member
When a participant leaves a conversation, his user name still appears to the other participants in the list. Is this a bug or is it as designed? I think the latter but wanted to be sure.

The suggestion is, I have conversations where I need to remove certain users I included when starting it. For example advertisers that stop advertising should no longer have access to a private conversation they once were a participant of.
Upvote 40
At least something to know, it's odd to leave them as participants when they are not. Name greyed out, italics, "Left conversation" underneath.
I got into an argument with a forum member today because he sent me multiple messages and I didn't respond. This turned out to be because I had left the conversation and he didn't get it. Bizarre that at least no notification is given when someone leaves the conversation.
Exactly. Wow, I can't believe this hasn't been fixed for 7 years.............
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