[Paid] Xenforo Designer (Integration into Wordpress design)


Hello dear Xenforo,

im looking for a Xenforo developer / Designer. I pay good and like quality work.

I have a new website with a wordpress design, I want to integrate my xenforo forum into the webseite.
Im looking for a developer/ desginer, who can integrate me xenforo seamless as it would for guest be the same cms hehe.

Same design, menu on top, same footer and else.
Here a picture explains what I need:



Have you looked into this?
Thank you @nicodak!

XFtoWP can definitely add cool forum features to your WP site, but you are probably better off not trying to re-design forums there too. Why bother when you already use XF?

The two themes (besides the screenshots) already look similar enough so you should best start off with a blog and link to your forums all over the place. For example, you can use the Thread comments feature to replace comments with forum threads and direct them to signup to your community.

Good luck and I hope the plugin looks helpful!
This was very close to my goal when migrating to XenForo several years ago. I wanted a legit CMS to work seamlessly with XenForo. Take a look at some work @ThemeHouse has done and I suspect you’ll see they’re one of the only companies who’s put in the work to build something that ties things together.

I myself am running a site that combines Wordpress, Media Wiki, and XenForo all together and users really never noticed they’re bouncing from software to software. Drop me a PM if you wanna see our site. 👍
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