Pages - a new project


in memoriam 2016
I am taking on the pages feature of XenForo. I am following in Brogan's footsteps to make use of Pages for my homepage, to start.

This thread is my journal, so to speak. I shall post my accomplishments, frustrations, and questions here. Please feel free to snail mail me a box of tissues (or 2 :cry: ), a stress ball (for when I feel the need to hit something, I can squeeze it instead :cautious: ), a bicycle helmet (for when I feel the need to hit my head against the wall o_O ), and a portable toidie (so I don't have to get up to go :X3: ).

Thank you.
You need to close the tag using /

<xen:include template="name_of_template" />

Pages always have the share page template included at the bottom though.
You can use any template syntax in pages. You can also edit the page template directly using the template system. A search for "page" should bring it up.
Maybe you have to be in debug mode, but here's my page node:

Try searching for _page_, if you can't find it you might need debug mode enabled.
How can I add a sidebar without the member avatar block at the top?
<xen:container var="$noVisitorPanel">1</xen:container>
<xen:if is="!{$noVisitorPanel}">
Sidebar content
That's the same code that you gave me in PC, but that box is still there.

This is my code -

<!-- Beginning of sidebar -->
<xen:container var="$noVisitorPanel">1</xen:container>
<xen:if is="!{$noVisitorPanel}">
<!-- FB Follow -->
<div class="section">
<div class="secondaryContent" id="facebook">
<h3>Like Us On Facebook!</h3>
<script src=""></script>
<fb:like-box href="" width="220" height="270" show_faces="true" stream="false" header="false"></fb:like-box></div></div>
<!-- End FB Follow -->

How can I add a sidebar without the member avatar block at the top?
<xen:container var="$noVisitorPanel">1</xen:container>
<xen:if is="!{$noVisitorPanel}">
Sidebar content
Maybe I'm reading too much into it but that code:
Sets the $noVisitorPanel variable to 1 (or true) meaning that there is no visitor panel? So it's true that there isn't one, then you're checking if the $noVisitorPanel variable is false (i.e. set to 0), meaning you're saying "display sidebar content if $noVisitorPanel is set to 0"

@Peggy, if you remove the exclamation mark before the {$noVisitorPanel} does it work?
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