Seeking XenForo Veteran for New Project and Ongoing Contact


Active member
Looking for someone who is active in this community who can be our point-person for ongoing updates, maintenance, bug fixes, and add-on development. New installs, management, database porting possibly, etc. Someone we can reach out to and get a fairly quick turnaround on small issues, and reasonable turnaround on everything else.

Site has been around about 17 years. Forums have 700,000 posts and serve roughly 350,000 unique users a month (browsing. 60,000 members, with maybe 150 active users at any given time).

We are stepping up our game in the next couple weeks and will need to do another install of XenForo to introduce a new dedicated forum on the site for one specific topic which will house a very important Physician Portal for cosmetic surgeons to participate, moderate, and add new content. We may need to extract a sub-forum from our existing Xenforo and port it over to this new install somehow, which may require redirect rules (I have a guy I think), installation of addons being used on current forums, etc.

In general, I need someone i can reach out to when i get a notice that UIX has updated their theme, someone who might be able to audit one of our custom addons for proper coding (its a custom canonical addon).

Most of all: Someone who is active in this community, actively codes, participates, and whose knowledge of the XenForo code could be scrutinized by one of the Founders and be called "Great".
Looking for someone who is active in this community who can be our point-person for ongoing updates, maintenance, bug fixes
Someone we can reach out to and get a fairly quick turnaround on small issues, and reasonable turnaround on everything else
We can do this. Feel free to contact me if you are interested.
We manage many forums with more than 1 million posts so we have all the required experience and knowledge you are looking for.
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