Pages - a new project


in memoriam 2016
I am taking on the pages feature of XenForo. I am following in Brogan's footsteps to make use of Pages for my homepage, to start.

This thread is my journal, so to speak. I shall post my accomplishments, frustrations, and questions here. Please feel free to snail mail me a box of tissues (or 2 :cry: ), a stress ball (for when I feel the need to hit something, I can squeeze it instead :cautious: ), a bicycle helmet (for when I feel the need to hit my head against the wall o_O ), and a portable toidie (so I don't have to get up to go :X3: ).

Thank you.
Bleh must be something to do with the flexile style, because it took the box off in the default style, but not Flexile, and I made sure the same code was in both styles.

I'll leave it, it's not imperative that it be gone.
Ok this is going to take me a long lonnnnnnnnnnnnng time to do. Personally, I'm finding the pages pretty difficult to use.
When I have more time, I'll come back to this project.

With help I've gotten the xenporta and xenatendo working on my site again, which will give me time to do this.

Brogan you can close this thread, or leave it open for comment, either is fine.
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