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Page as portal homepage

Quick Question

I have XF installed in

I want the home page node my to be the home page set up with this add-on

However after doing all of the install I have as the home page (this add-on) as my forums

How can I change this or should I have installed XF in the root ? as the home page (this add-on)…
How can I change this or should I have installed XF in the root ?
You don’t say which addon, but I would say you need xenForo to be in the root for a xenForo portal page to be the roof index
I'm in the support page for the add-on ?

This one

This is not an addon, just a guide on how to manually set it up on your own.
It's still the correct place to post for support with it.

@Muddy Boots - yes, install XF in the domain root if you want a home page at and the forums at .
I was just about to edit my first post to confirm the root thing, but you beat me to it. However, I pointed out it's not an addon for the obvious reason that it can be confusing for some people, hence see above. Not just trying to be a smart-ass. 😁
yes, install XF in the domain root if you want a home page at and the forums at

@Brogan Ok, a bit of a foo-pah then as already installed XF in /community.....

Not a problem - so move XF to the root and re-do the board url and the friendly rewrites.....

But how can I have the forums at as you suggested but renamed community so not forums ?
Hello guys
I have same question as you guys here. I followed the instructions at
But, Home page on my website is, it doesn't show any widgets when I have added those widget keys in "Template HTML" section.
I'm guessing it's to do with tabbed menu in the center. Is that an addon (by a company we can't mention here)? Remove that and see if everything else then displays as normal.
I'm guessing it's to do with tabbed menu in the center. Is that an addon (by a company we can't mention here)? Remove that and see if everything else then displays as normal.
i deactivated that addon right in center to check results to see if it was addon that was causing problem?
Finally, the addon was turned off and it disappeared from my homepage as well. But, the widget settings on the homepage still don't work. Thanks
i deactivated that addon right in center to check results to see if it was addon that was causing problem?
Finally, the addon was turned off and it disappeared from my homepage as well. But, the widget settings on the homepage still don't work. Thanks
You should probably delete the addon, as it could pose a security risk for you. That aside, your template code looks okay, from what I can see. The only thing I can suggest at this point is that you double-check all of the widget key names in your template to be sure they are all correct.
The only thing I can suggest at this point is that you double-check all of the widget key names in your template to be sure they are all correct.
I thought that, however I have found if you have any mis-spellings, or if the referenced widget no longer exists, then the page just renders nothing at all - just the header, title and description but no content at all.
I thought that, however I have found if you have any mis-spellings, or if the referenced widget no longer exists, then the page just renders nothing at all - just the header, title and description but no content at all.
Right, that's why I told him to check the names
Right, that's why I told him to check the names
Ah, I misunderstood. I though the page was displaying other content OK, just without the widgets. If nothing shows at all then I'd agree somewhere is a reference to a non-existent widget.

EDIT: and there would be an error in the ACP saying so...

Just remove the widget references and add back one by one.
It actually loads very quickly for me, but I agree it would be a good idea to add the widgets one by one, to see what's what.
You should probably delete the addon, as it could pose a security risk for you. That aside, your template code looks okay, from what I can see. The only thing I can suggest at this point is that you double-check all of the widget key names in your template to be sure they are all correct.

thank you, today i tested each widget and did what you said. I understand more now, because it's wrong code.
thank you, today i tested each widget and did what you said. I understand more now, because it's wrong code.
Glad you got it sorted out. I did experience a long load time with the homepage today, though, as Mr Lucky did yesterday. If you get complaints from others about it, you might want to try deleting that addon. Aside from possible security risks, it probably hasn't been updated in a very long time. There are other statistics addons around if you're ever looking to replace it with something.
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