OS X 10.7 Developer Preview

Downloading it now.....

Has anyone tried moving some of the new apps, like mail 5 into 10.6.6?
It's been tried and apparently it won't work. Mail 5 has some new animations that rely on new Lion APIs, or so I've read. The same is true of Address Book and iCal.
I'm hoping it costs much more than $30, or £30, probably £50+ or $100+
It's going to cost $129, the usual Mac OS X price save for 10.1 (free) and 10.6 ($29.) Of course, as Mac OS X lacks product keys or activation, there's nothing to stop you from just downloading it somewhere and burning it to a DVD.
It's going to cost $129, the usual Mac OS X price save for 10.1 (free) and 10.6 ($29.) Of course, as Mac OS X lacks product keys or activation, there's nothing to stop you from just downloading it somewhere and burning it to a DVD.

I'll be getting it for free anyway, legally, through an Apple-authorised channel.
Has anyone upgraded their main installation (on a MBP) for example? I'm thinking on going ahead and just updating the main installation of my MBP. Thoughts?
Has anyone upgraded their main installation (on a MBP) for example? I'm thinking on going ahead and just updating the main installation of my MBP. Thoughts?
Yes, my MacBook was upgraded directly from 10.6.6 to 10.7. Haven't experienced any major issues yet.
Upgraded, I noticed a few bugs but everything seems to work pretty good anyways. I'm liking it, feels smoother.
Are Apple Computers any good, I've never purchased one before, if there good which one would you guys recommend for internet browsing and playing games?
Are Apple Computers any good, I've never purchased one before, if there good which one would you guys recommend for internet browsing and playing games?
If you want to play semi-serious games and normal browsing you could go for something like an for the MBP 15-inch: 2.0 GHz, if you want serious you can go for the 15-inch: 2.2 GHz model. And if you're looking for a desktop I'd suggest going for an iMac, either the 21.5-inch: 3.2GHz or the 27-inch: 2.8GHz. I'd love to game on my MBP but it doesn't really cut it more than WoW and some simple games (I got the entry levle MBP). But as soon as I have the money I'm willing to spend some good money on the latest models to get something I can simply just work with and enjoy OS X plus game with it. Since also Apple has been focusing on improving OpenGL lately.
How come iMac's dont come with a big box like normal PC's do or is the computer built into the monitor?
I'm only an iOS-Developer member, so I don't have access to this (yet). I will be getting it from my school for free... but I'm looking forward to it.
Are Apple Computers any good, I've never purchased one before, if there good which one would you guys recommend for internet browsing and playing games?

If you want to play a game don't buy a Mac!

Mac and mostly OS X are great for work but they kind of sux at games.....

Games that are 2 years old (example: Call of Duty 4) are promoted as new in the Mac world :(

You better off building yourself a custom PC if you are planning to play NEW games and save yourself a few dollars.

Other than that Macs are great :)
ADC Student?
Nah. I'm a paying member, but my university has some great software available to every student for free or at cheap prices. I have a copy of office 2007, 2010, and 2011 (Mac, Windows, Mac) as well as Windows 7. I paid for none of those. I bought Parallels Desktop for $10.
Nah. I'm a paying member, but my university has some great software available to every student for free or at cheap prices. I have a copy of office 2007, 2010, and 2011 (Mac, Windows, Mac) as well as Windows 7. I paid for none of those. I bought Parallels Desktop for $10.
Nice. I wonder what UCLA offers?
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