Online course for forum owners

There's a couple more sites you may be interested in:
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You would be competing with FeverBee whose courses are very popular and by esteemed community managers.

Thanks for the mention @beerForo, but @Dakis I really wouldn't worry about us much.

We tend to target organizations who probably have very different needs to the audience you're talking about here. There is probably something at the $50 to $100 price point which could be quite popular if you can pull it off. And even if it was direct competition, I think competition is pretty healthy anyway. But you are going to need some sort of audience you can talk to about the courses - so it depends what kind of mailing list you have.

From experience, I'd focus less on 'How To Start A Forum' and more on people who already have one and want to do it better. It's a much bigger audience who are likely to be more receptive to your messages. I'd also focus your messaging not on "you're doing it wrong, this is how to get it right..." but more "you're doing great, this is how to do it better".

Good luck! Let me know how it goes!
I'm a Korean.

Currently, most of the community sites in Korea are choosing Korean boards. This is not because we do not like forums, but because we have not chosen forums.

I am preparing to open a forum site in Korea now.
But I do not know exactly what to do.
Absolutely, I lack the knowledge and abilities I have.

How can you solve this?

I think what you're trying to do is very meaningful.

How to inform and grow people like me after building a forum. Furthermore, it would be nice if you had tutorials and coaches that would allow you to monetize your ads and choose the appropriate ad locations.

Looking at the linked sites in this post, it was not easy to access. I think there are a lot of good articles written on it.
but, Beginners do not have the courage to approach.

I'm support you.

And if opportunity is given, I want to learn from you.
As a forum owner, my first question would be what are your qualifications? I guess it would be like, show me your resume. You have to convince people that giving you their money is a worthwhile investment. Part of that might be linking them to forums that you own/manage? Maybe show them some kind of stats relating to when the forum was started, current member levels, current participation levels, current income generated by the site, etc,...

I see a LOT of forums that have big member numbers, but when you visit the site, the number of members on the site at any given time is a mere fraction of the total membership. One in particular has over 300K members, but I rarely see more than 1-2K users online.

I have also seen numerous forums die off completely because they got a bit over board with attempts to monetize their sites. Lots of blinking ad banners and such tend to drive away users.

I've read a bunch of the FeverBee stuff and it echos what I have been doing for years with regards to trying to make people feel like they have a vested interest in the welfare of the community. That has worked pretty well, but it doesn't automatically translate into easy monetization.

Anyway, I would want to see a road map of sorts laying out a strategy. It wouldn't necessarily have to include the specific details of how to actually implement the strategy. But, it would have to be more than just, "I can show you how to make a lot of money from your forum."
Thanks for the feedback. I definitely wouldn't focus solely on the monetization, there are many aspects that make a community successful, and unless monetization is done properly it often has, as you point out, the opposite effect.
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