I do not think that it is a good advise that we try now no to find interpretations which have the only goal that we feel good about doing nothing.
Neither you nor me are lawers. I linked to articles written by lawywers who tell us, what will happen if a case like this gets to the court. Of cours we can now put our head in the sand and wait and pray that this will not happen to us.
I honestly do not understand, why we have to discuss things like this now for a very long time instead of invetsing that time and come up with a fix in a few days. I am asking for nothing dramatic. Why this habit of avoiding any kind of future conflict with the law just because you need 1-2 days to change the code?
What kind of business sense is this?
If XF tries to gurante me that I am not getting in conflict with EU law, after I have shown that German lawyers do think this will happen, why not mke a case, hire a lawyer specialized in this and let him making here a statement which is legally binding and covers my ass?
I do not post these things here, because I am bored and have nothing to do. I post it because I fair that I risk to get fined in the future. Do you really think that a judge in the court will say: You are not responsible, the developpers of Xenforo told you not to worry, so we close the case without any fine?
Wake up.
This law is like any other law written in broader terms to have room for a case by case interpretation. So you will not find examples for everything like you write a code. For this there are lawyers. Important is the intention the EU wants to put on this. And a Judge will always make judgement in line with the intention of that law.
I quote here a German lawyer in one of the linked articles above:
Neu ist jedoch die Verpflichtung der Shop-Betreiber zur Einhaltung des „Simplizitätsgebots“. .....
...Im Rahmen von Newsletter-Werbung dürfte dem Simplizitätsgebot wohl dadurch hinreichend Rechnung getragen werden, dass jeder Mail am Ende ein eigener „Unsubscribe-Link“ beigestellt wird, dessen bloße Betätigung der Datenverarbeitung Einhalt gebietet..... "
Simple broad translation:
"New (in this law) is the "simplicity-legal-requirement".....
...Regarding newsletters that means that this request for simplicity is/seems to be fullfilled, if an unsubscribe link is provided in every email and with the simple click on that link, the unsubscription is executed....."
I do not kow what to discuss here further if it is so clear.
In 95% of all newsletters nowadays, the standard is to have an unsusbcribe link at the buttom of each email and with a click on that you can unsubscribe without login. Every Judge will have this as the benchmark. No matter how you try to argument.
If Simplicity is the key, just do it instead of wasting time with discussing what non-lawyers do think. You could do it with XF2. So simply do it now also for XF1.5x and noone gets hurt. Simple as that.
In XF1.5x we have neither an unsubscribe link, nor do we have an unsubscription process without login. So just do it to be in line with law.