Oh Kier...

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That's one of the problems with the internet - it seems to make some people think they need to know every move of some people they would probably never give the time of day to face to face. Kier's got a life outside of these four walls...plus he has his lackey, Mike, to cover for him. :p
Well the way I always saw it was this...Mike is so efficient a coder that every minute spared here chatting with us is a minute's worth of code not coded. I always in fact thought it different that Mike and Kier were here interacting with the community mostly because at most other software sites, talking to someone who has the final say in something does not happen often.

They only have so much time and they have already put a lot of it into posts of informative nature as well as entertaining the guests who frequent the site and software they created. I always wondered why Kier made most of the HYS posts but it was then that I put it together or so I think...why should both of the developers stop developing to talk about development? It is then that I realized something else, the simple fact that Mike acted the part of pilot behind the scenes while Kier informed and entertained to the attendance on the frontend of the flight(which is probably along the same line of the reason why people wrongly assume Mike isn't ridiculously talented). While not here I would have to assume Kier and Mike are equals in the coding and design aspect of things each with their own specialties that they are aware of and use to the advent of having time better spent. I also then had to remind myself about how much they REALLY do.

To do that I looked at Brogans post count. He is completely on the frontend of things as far as I understand. With his ginormogantuan amount of posts, a huge percentage are informative content rich as far as guides and examples of code usage go and as far as I have seen it all pertains to xenforo.

If you take into account the amount of time Brogan must have spent contributing to the community and factor in that he hasn't covered every single bit of xf code (yet lol) , you could probably imagine how much time Mike and Kier have spent are spending and if the trend continues will spend on developing this software and also how much time they must spend to test one semi-significant change before it even could be considered a release candidate you will see it the way I do. If you look at the low amount of bugs and the (as far as I am concerned) non existent serious bugs you can see that the people involved in this are proud of their work and it shows and they deserve the respect you would show to a complete stranger or your mother pending the level of self-respect you have as well as the level of respect you choose to address the general masses with.

I think in terms of tolerance...the tolerance or GD&T of a given part can not be manufactured outside of one's manufacturing capabilities. In a perfect world every part of a whole order would be exactly uniform and proportionally equal in every way with no variance. In machining it is heat and erosion that is your problem and it will cause variance in an otherwise perfect world. In machining I can control that by adjusting the machine shaping the part therefor I adjust all the parts that make up the order therefor controlling the environment the part is being made in which ultimately allows me for almost complete control of the environment in which the parts are created so I can stay within tolerance be it +/- .001 or +0/-.0000050", it is math, it is cut and dry, and there IS ALWAYS a derivable answer immediately to a problem. What I have realized in the past many months while learning to code somewhat while being a guest here is that the web is a pain in the ass. There is standards that all browsers don't follow completely and uniformly and in some cases not at all, there are code libraries that constantly change and sometimes don't play nice with each other, and there is a billion and one other things that are not in your complete control because ultimately whatever you make has to be able to run on the average persons web browser so you can't just go off and create your own standard. Xf has been putting out a web server based product consistently for some time now that has the lowest tolerance for errors that I have ever put my hands on or used and I say that with complete and calculated confidence.

With all the things concerning the web that are out of a developers direct control what they have been doing in my opinion would be equivalent to me taking an imbalanced, non-lubricated, non-dressed machine with no coolant flow and running 500 parts straight in one process and each one being perfect in one cycle and holding +/-.0000001". For you that have no clue what I am talking about, it is equal to walking on water, all three are amazing feats, I just only know of one that has been done thus far.

I am sorry for the rant but I can cease now. Please continue everyone and don't mind me, I am having my own conversation here. I just wanted it known that I don't think any two other people can do what Kier and Mike are doing or they would have done it already. They are the reason the people who are talking here in this very thread are having this conversation, that's what we share in common, this software and this forum. In the end I don't care who has how much more talent than next one...because here things are team based so it doesn't really matter how strong one is against the next rather the total value when joined up. Either way I have much respect for everyone that contributes here none more so that Mike and Kier because I am a person who must respect anyone that takes pride in making a good honest living. It just so happens that they make a living making something I like so I happen to be a customer. They have done everything right up to this point and no matter what happens in my near future I will maintain the regard I hold them in and that goes the same to any other human who has also spoken to me as an equal and acts with purpose.

Like I said before, please continue.
That's one of the problems with the internet - it seems to make some people think they need to know every move of some people they would probably never give the time of day to face to face. Kier's got a life outside of these four walls...plus he has his lackey, Mike, to cover for him. :p
I couldn't agree with you more on that, John. I actually miss having Mike's avatar show up under "Staff Online Now" because he does spend a great deal of time on the site, with support and bugs and development. Yes Mike, we know it. :p

Reading the whole thread till now just makes me think...and I quote from Steve Machol's signature...

"...waiting for the day when the chicken can cross a road without its motives being questioned."

Kier's reasons are his own to go into. It doesn't reflect the state of XenForo the company at all. Personal and professional lives are separate and no matter how small the company, that still needs to be considered/respected.

Plenty of things are still being done. Most people seem to downplay my contributions, as if I'm some lackey, which couldn't be further from the truth.

You'll see the plenty of feedback and communication was given during the roll out of the RM and this is generally an approach we would like to keep up.
Are you this dude? http://www.theadminzone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77506
Autobot Brogan is just an alias for Mike & Kier to talk to people! (conspiracy #1)
Kier is held hostage by Internet Brands in a vBulletin Suite. Room 4.0.8. (conspiracy #2)
Kier's reasons are his own to go into. It doesn't reflect the state of XenForo the company at all. Personal and professional lives are separate and no matter how small the company, that still needs to be considered/respected.

Plenty of things are still being done. Most people seem to downplay my contributions, as if I'm some lackey, which couldn't be further from the truth.

You'll see the plenty of feedback and communication was given during the roll out of the RM and this is generally an approach we would like to keep up.

See if you dissapeared Mike, I would just assume your sleeping ready for being up at 1am for practice 1, as any good F1 fan should be :P

Joking aside though, can assure you that given the level of xenforo at the present time your contribution to xenforo could never be downplayed. The effort all of you at xenforo have put in, even given the rubbish thrown at you's along the way from other companies, is nothing short of being astounding.
Joking aside though, can assure you that given the level of xenforo at the present time your contribution to xenforo could never be downplayed. The effort all of you at xenforo have put in, even given the rubbish thrown at you's along the way from other companies, is nothing short of being astounding.
The truth is, some people just don't realize Mike's contributions to XenForo because he doesn't appear to be as visible and vocal as Kier is. Which is fine.
It's amazing the amount of stupidity (behavior) on this community sometimes.

Just because you see someone on Twitter or post on a web site, doesn't mean you know the person's life in and out. Nor are you involved in theirs.

You have no idea how this company is run beyond the forum and your purchase experience., or how much Kier is involved (or not) with this company, his friends, etc.

For all you know he's in the US dealing with the case to ensure a future for this company.
For all you know he's focussing on marketing this company / product by running around conferences with flyers.
For all you know he has a personal reason, but still is actively involved with the continues product development and daily operations of this company.

Nowhere in the license agreement does it state that he will keep active on the forum to your expense. Nor can you claim 'expectation' on company employees 'status updates about personal life'. If you are worried about that you shouldn't have purchased a license when there are multiple law suits filed against them by a corporation with deep pockets. If you have 'hope' and 'believe in a good outcome', then perhaps it's time to show that trust and leave it up to Kier to be active when he wants and when he can. Rather than pushing him in a corner with idiotic discussions like these where now everybody expects an explanation and then probably wants to discuss That even further as if it involves them personally.

Personally, based on how people are reacting in this discussion, I wouldn't make a big thing either about 'personal life' stuff by posting something that others will then probably look at as 'an official statement'. And based on the lack of response by the other employes and moderators, I think it's clear this is now officially "just forum drama"

tl;dr: Shrug, personal stuff, none of our business, moving on ..

In other news, here's a kitten

It's amazing the amount of stupidity (behavior) on this community sometimes.

For all you know he's in the US dealing with the case to ensure a future for this company.
For all you know he's focussing on marketing this company / product by running around conferences with flyers.
For all you know he has a personal reason, but still is actively involved with the continues product development and daily operations of this company.
I agree with Floris. There is more to this than meets the eye GI JOE. Also

For all you know he could be on a boat
For all you know he could be on an island
For all you know he is using the money he has made to do it lol
For all you know he has went unplugged.

I like the kitty but you should have put a pug dog with his huge eyes .
The truth is, some people just don't realize Mike's contributions to XenForo because he doesn't appear to be as visible and vocal as Kier is. Which is fine.

Really? Although Kier is more vocal I actually thought Mike was more involved in the dev than Kier. However in the same respect look at it. Not even 2 people can code this place without working all day and night every day and night for a long time.

And floris, although sometimes I see you as vocal as some of the others and just picking the opposite point of view (sorry, just honest lol) I agree. This is a company and personal lives + amount of time on here by the owners of the company is not a view of the company as a whole. We just see the place more personally because of the guys who own it and the staff on the forum. To be honest the topic as a whole in asking "where he gone" is actually complementary to the company as its just this kind of personal touch other software has lost.

EDIT: Gotta admit, the thought of Kier bare footing it running around a conference with flyers in one hand, whilst writing the companies defence with the pen in his other hand and a phone to his ear on the phone to Mike who is sat there vigarously hammering away on the keyboard with a "Ya think ya like 1.1, wait till ya see this baby" way of codin, did kinda make me laugh ..... My mind is way too overactive
Really? Although Kier is more vocal I actually thought Mike was more involved in the dev than Kier. However in the same respect look at it. Not even 2 people can code this place without working all day and night every day and night for a long time.
Really what? I was simply stating that there may be those who, because they don't see Mike as often and don't hear much from him, feel he isn't as involved. Not my perspective of the situation, just stating what I think seems to be a misconception on other people's behalf. That is all.
Really what? I was simply stating that there may be those who, because they don't see Mike as often and don't hear much from him, feel he isn't as involved. Not my perspective of the situation, just stating what I think seems to be a misconception on other people's behalf. That is all.

Was only saying "really?" as supprised. Was sayin I was supprised people seem to think that way as I dont see it. Suppose I guess its seen differently if your involved in any development as ya look at it in a "How on earth have 2 people managed this genious?" let along 1 LOL
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