Fixed ob_gzhandler Workaround Disables Gzip Compression


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PHP 5.5.7 running on Apache 2.4.7
XenForo 1.2.4

zlib.output_compression = On
zlib.output_compression_level = 1
zlib.output_handler not set

I noticed the pages being served by xenforo on my server weren't compressed, so I created a simple test script, ran it off my server and it came back correctly with gzip compression.

after digging into the code, it turns out this chunk of code is preventing my server from compressing pages:

			// see
			// and
			if (!@ini_get('output_handler'))
				$level = ob_get_level();
				while ($level)
					$newLevel = ob_get_level();
					if ($newLevel >= $level)
					$level = $newLevel;

Commenting it out gives me proper compression again
In my testing, I don't actually get compression even with those lines commented out. Looking at the PHP source itself, simply sending a content length header disables zlib.output_compression internally (and we do send a content length by default).

However, I have changed this for 1.3 - zlib compression is effectively disabled for the internal handling. I have only changed this for 1.3 as I want it to go through a beta period to make sure it doesn't cause problems in certain specific configurations.
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