XF 1.3 No images in ACP


I have just been setting up my new forum (hidden) as per the license, so I want everything to be working. All is well, but the ACP images just do not show up!

I do have a custom theme (Flexile - light), if a user doesn't have an avatar on the forum, it's fine. Shows up as: http://puu.sh/ajpZk/66ed2671f8.png
In the ACP: http://puu.sh/ajq1d/302c5c2745.png

All of the other items too: http://puu.sh/ajq1Y/a56ad9b0b0.png

(If it matters, I'm a super administrator)

Style properties -> styles/flexile
within it

Any ideas?

All help is very appreciated.

You've shown a path there that includes "community" in it and you're not attached to a customer whose forum appears to resolve to that URL.

So, we're going to need the URL to check any further.
somethimes Filezilla not uplaods all files dont know a reason

I use WinSCP. They all uploaded.

You've shown a path there that includes "community" in it and you're not attached to a customer whose forum appears to resolve to that URL.

So, we're going to need the URL to check any further.

All issues fixed. This forum is my new one that I am setting up -locked from public- the license allows this doesn't it?
My current license it pointing @ diamcraftprison.com, once set up it'll point to diamcraft.com (/community)
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