XF 2.2 Default avatar not showing in ACP


Well-known member
Just a little something that bugs the hell out of me, and I don't know if it's something I forgot to configure.

I have a default avatar assigned for ALL users that have not uploaded their own avatar.

Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 4.39.31 AM.png

But in the ACP, I still see this

Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 4.39.54 AM.png

Sure would be nice if the actual assigned default avatar showed up in the ACP user listing instead of a generic question mark.
It apparently defaults to avatar avatar--s avatar--default avatar--default--text instead of checking firs to see if there is actually a default image avatar assigned. If I'm going to go to the trouble to assign a default avatar... it certainly would be nice to also see it in the ACP.
Doesn't apply... as both have been done, dynamic disabled, and a custom defined (as seen in the example provided in the image.
The issue is the listing of users in the actual ACP doesn't apparently utilize the default assigned avatar and uses the "text" based one.
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