XF 1.5 No Email and cant Login


my homepage balkanonline.net doesnt sends any mails. And when i want to Login as Admin, i need the 2 step verification via e-mail, but i dont get any mail.

Also password recovory isnt, working. Please help me. Thank You
To temporarily disable 2FA, add this to the library/config.php file:
$config['enableTfa'] = false;

Then you can log in, disable 2FA for your account and/or uncheck the option for it related to ACP access, and check the error log for any entries relating to failed emails.
To temporarily disable 2FA, add this to the library/config.php file:
$config['enableTfa'] = false;

Then you can log in, disable 2FA for your account and/or uncheck the option for it related to ACP access, and check the error log for any entries relating to failed emails.

Email Transport Method
  • Default
      • Set return path with -f parameter (recommended, but does not work on all servers)
Its on Standard Method, what i need 2 change? Can some1 maybe help me, becouse i am new to Xenforo and i think this problem i have some weeks.
Many Users didnt came back after change to Xenforo, i think its becouse this problem.
Are there any entries in the error log?

If not, this means the emails have been handed off to the server.

At that point XenForo is no longer involved so you would need to check the mail server log to see whether they are being sent or not.

Your host should be able to help with that if you are unsure how to check the log.

If they are being sent then it could be any number of reasons why they aren't being delivered.
This resource should help: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/dealing-with-spam-filters.366/
You will need to follow the steps I posted then.

For the TT errors you can post in the resource thread or contact the author for support.
This demonstrates that XenForo is sending the mail and it's being rejected (or sent to spam) elsewhere. This is where the raw mail logs will give more information. Since this needs root access, your host will have to look at them for you to pull out examples (which should show the reaction from the receiving servers).
MX records are for receiving mail. If you're using the default PHP mail settings in XenForo, it's handing off to what you configured PHP to use (probably an MTA like Postfix). If you have root, you may find your mail log in a file like /var/log/maillog.
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