Well-known member
My website was recently suspended for using too many resources. I've been with the same host for nine years, so I'm not entirely sure if there are any better options out there. Can anyone make any recommendations on an alternative that can support the usage, but not cost an arm and a leg? Wordpress and Xenforo pretty much make up the entire site.
Current server:
Description: Linux Hybrid-vps
Details: 200GB space, 10000GB bandwidth, 4GB RAM ($92.00/month)
Response from the host about my site's usage:
Current server:
Description: Linux Hybrid-vps
Details: 200GB space, 10000GB bandwidth, 4GB RAM ($92.00/month)
Response from the host about my site's usage:
Based on what was posted your utilization comes from the CPU. Mysql was using 1.5 cores of the box. In total you were using over 2.5 cores of usage. It is an equal share setup.
We provision on the Hybrids 1 hybrid / core. This is an 8 core machine and there are 5 customers on this machine (it is under sold at this point). You estimate about .7 of actual usage due to overhead. If you are under 1.12 cores of usage, you'd be in the range of fair use. Like I said if no one is using it, you could continue to use 2.5 cores; but, in this case others are using their resources too.