[n] Best Answer / Q&A System

[n] Best Answer / Q&A System [Paid] 1.1.2

No permission to buy (£25.00)
If that is a thread ID then this will work:

ALTER TABLE `xf_thread` DROP COLUMN `ba_alternativeanswers`;

ALTER TABLE `xf_thread` ADD COLUMN ba_alternativeanswers int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
Are you sure you want the datatype to be text? You are setting a default value of 0 which is not text.
Yeah, it's meant to be 0 but in string form, fixed, wasn't thinking too much on that one. If the array has values in, it is stored as a serialised array. A comparison is done using the PHP empty function (http://php.net/manual/en/function.empty.php) which also returns true if the string is an empty string "" or "0" (0 as a string). There will be multiple alternative answers, so the approach I used is a populated field will be a serialised array (stores some more data, so I'm not just using a 'list' type of approach).

Yes it still persists.
I ran the sql queries, but I have an error

ALTER TABLE `xf_thread` DROP COLUMN `ba_alternativeanswers`;
ALTER TABLE `xf_thread` ADD COLUMN ba_alternativeanswers text NOT NULL DEFAULT "0";

Can you run those, but select your XenForo database first. Click on your XF database, then run those queries.
Sorry I'm so confused :/ Can someone teamview me maybe?

Are you using phpmyadmin? You need to select a database before executing a query.


The dropdown in the top left.
Best Answer v1.1.0.2 released to fix the issue. Apologies for those that downloaded it. You really only need to upload ./library/BestAnswer/Installer.php and upgrade the .xml file IF upgrading from v1.1.0. For other users, upload using instructions from Best Answer v1.1.0 (upgrade as normal, rebuild votes after upgrade).

Dummy me forgot you can't have a default value (other than NULL) for a text type field.
I did file health check, and although the problem was resolved, there was potential issues found?
Screen: https://gyazo.com/43e9931d49d96439aec975c9b78e1029

Also your addon affects this one (ribbon is set to offline although it isn't)
The ControllerAdmin file was removed. FileSums.php was altered. The DataWriter file, however, shouldn't have that error. You can ignore those for now, however.

I'm not sure how our add-on clashes with that. They should just be checking the player online stuff, which has been around for a while, and styling it up I guess. We don't touch any of that.
The ControllerAdmin file was removed. FileSums.php was altered. The DataWriter file, however, shouldn't have that error. You can ignore those for now, however.

I'm not sure how our add-on clashes with that. They should just be checking the player online stuff, which has been around for a while, and styling it up I guess. We don't touch any of that.
Should I replace the data writer file as that may be affecting the addon?
Should I replace the data writer file as that may be affecting the addon?
I'd imagine it's just a bad hash. Make sure the file is uploaded and contains the expected contents in the extracted .zip and you should be good to go. If it doesn't, then check that.
I'm honestly disappointed that these addons are interfering with some of my addons :/
License says version 1-1-0-2 but when I update the xmp in admin cp I'm still stuck at version 1-1-0-1 and have tried it multiple times. Unfortunately I had to uninstall it.


These 2 do not work, but when I disable your addon, it works. All contents have already been uploaded several times. I'm frustrated :/
I'm honestly disappointed that these addons are interfering with some of my addons :/
License says version 1-1-0-2 but when I update the xmp in admin cp I'm still stuck at version 1-1-0-1 and have tried it multiple times. Unfortunately I had to uninstall it.


These 2 do not work, but when I disable your addon, it works. All contents have already been uploaded several times. I'm frustrated :/
I have checked the code and we do nothing to interfere with them. The only thing they do similarly is they both extend the post and thread models, which we correctly extend and return the parent value, either modified or not. Any modifications to the controllers, also, is only best answer related. The only generic thing we do is $thread.answers, and that's still not too generic of an idea and neither of those try to override $thread.answers. I am not sure where you're getting the interference.

There is one more idea, it could be that they're using template modifications and doing something. I can look into that too, but in the PHP code itself I do not see any conflict.
Hey @MirandaSings,

I cannot reproduce this. On a demo board, both of the add-ons are working fine with each other. See screenshot below:


I zoomed out to fit the vote and the add-on on the same page to show you that it works, it does look normal but that's like 40% page view size :P

Seems to work on my end. I know you said disabling my add-on fixes it, but could it be another add-on is conflicting with my add-on and errors or something and breaks the others? Can you disable all add-ons (easy in XF 1.5) and leave only Best Answer and those enabled and see if it works? Works fine on my end here.
1. Can an OP and/or admin only choose the best answer?

2. If yes, can a notification be initiated to users after x days to come back and chose the best answer?
1. Can an OP and/or admin only choose the best answer?

2. If yes, can a notification be initiated to users after x days to come back and chose the best answer?
Sadly not, I wouldn't really see any sense in that if the admins are choosing the best answer. This add-on is aimed at the community helping each other and themselves. So it's not something I'd plan to add, sorry. :(

However, the notification/alert does exist :) The thread chooser gets an alert to come back and choose a best answer.
Sadly not, I wouldn't really see any sense in that if the admins are choosing the best answer. This add-on is aimed at the community helping each other and themselves. So it's not something I'd plan to add, sorry. :(
I think it makes sense due to:
1. OP doesn't always choose the best answer so admins do it for him after a while

2. Sometimes there is a better answer, that was written after a while so there is a need for a manual change of the best answers in which admins can do

3. Sometimes the best answer isn't really the best but chosen based on "friendship" or "harmony" b/w certain users, so admins can control that and remove/add a best answer for the sake of a more organized community

4. Some communities/nodes are very sensitive, with information that can cause death or risk someone's life. In this case the best answer is controlled by admins and admins only.
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