XF 1.5 Mysqli extension not loaded


An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.
<!-- The Mysqli extension is required for this adapter but the extension is not loaded -->

My XenForo website is not working after I tried to install BlockScript and ionCube to another virtual host. Anyone have an idea how I can solve this problem? Website: www.spillere.no
Install the PHP MySQLi extension. I'm only a Linux sysadmin, not a Windows sysadmin, so I can't fully assist with this, however, the link above should answer your question.
I don't think that link will help me.
Odds are if you had read the full page and comments it may have
>On Windows, PHP is most commonly installed using the binary installer. Once PHP has been installed, some >configuration is required to enable mysqli and specify the client library you want it to use.

Basically, if you want to add extensions you can double-click again on the installer file. The installer will find the already installed PHP and will ask if you want to change the installation.

When you go through the prompts it will take you back to the list of extensions and you can pick which extensions you want to add.

For the mysqli extension the installer also edited php.ini so that the extension was enabled:


the installer added those lines to the end of the file.
I use XAMPP and literally all that is required is to run the installer so I suspect you have either done something wrong or have it configured incorrectly.

You will have to seek support elsewhere for any issues related to XAMPP though.
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