Multi-Language XF-Forum install ?


Well-known member
I am planning to run a XF-website with having 2 languages (english and german).

I saw e.g. at VB that they have a switch to change from one language to the other.
But I actually do not want just a switch in order to change the wording from the forum, but actually having 2 different interfaces:
- so one interface having the forum and all of its content (forum-discussion) in english only.
- the second interface would be to have everything (forum and content) to be in german-language only.

So basically having one Forum run completely in english and another one completely in german-language on one domain-name.
Would I need to have 2 XF installs on my domain in order to achieve this ?

But I actually want to have a Single-Sign-on, so that a user could switch from english to german-language interface without having to register or Login twice.

Is this possible with XenForo software and how would this need to be set-up ?

So at the "Home page", the user would select either "english" or "german" and go to the respective interface from there. Also having a language-switch at the forum itself to switch from one language to the other. So literally having two different forums in terms of user-content (post-content and reply-content), but one user-base.

Many thanks !
that´s why I was thinking of running 2 XF-installations on one domain-name (one install being run in english and the other in german language), just having the same user-database in order to have a Single-Sign-on. Becaue there will be different content for each language.
I am still not sure whether this is possible, whether it will be possible in the future or how to do this ?

I want to run ONe Forum-installation in TWO different languages, having literally TWO language-interfaces (one in english and one in german language).

So having ONE Log-in-interface and a switch at the website showing one interface with german-language-Forums and another interface showing english-language-Forums.

So saying I want to have one website with 2 different languages.

- Is it possible already now ?
- Will it be possible in the future ?
- What is the plan on having this possibility of doing this ?

Many thanks,
There are some possibilities but they all have downsides:
  1. Use the Multisite addon. This will give you complete integration. The downside is that if one of your addons, server stack upgrade or XF upgrade breaks it, then your second site will be down until its fixed. It has happened that this took months. Which is why I am not using my license of it.
  2. There is the SSO addon by Waindigo, which TH has taken over. I dont know how well it functions but a lot of Waindigo addons have severe quality issues. Themehouse has hundreds of addons to support, so if something goes wrong it can take months.
  3. bd API consumer allows you to have the same users on both sites. No cookie sharing I think. You could ask XFRocks (or any other developer) to expand on it.
Yes, such functionality would be very popular. Language affects multiple aspects that all need to be covered:
  1. HTML page language definition for Search Engine indexing
  2. Interface language.
  3. Content Language. (nodes and content types)
  4. Users (profiles and the users preferred language)
Users need to be able to set what languages they want to see. This should affect all of the above.
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