As designed Moving closed thread does not updates the redirect


Well-known member
Try this:
1) Close a thread and move it to a different forum.
2) Open the thread for posting and go to the old forum where the redirect link is present.

The redirect displays a Closed status.
It does display the lock on the redirect in the original forum.

But I guess as long as the target thread is open, then this more just cosmetic that function. Never really noticed before you post this.
Confirmed in 1.1.2

I offer this code fix to the devs, that they may find it worthy.


Add the red code:

Rich (BB code):
	 * Specific discussion post-save behaviors.
	protected function _discussionPostSave(array $messages)
		$threadId = $this->get('thread_id');

		if ($this->isUpdate() && $this->isChanged('discussion_state') && $this->get('discussion_state') != 'visible')
			$this->_deleteRedirects('thread-' . $threadId . '-%', true);
		else if ($this->isUpdate() && $this->isChanged('node_id'))
			if ($this->get('discussion_type') == 'redirect')
				$threadRedirectModel = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_ThreadRedirect');
				$redirect = $threadRedirectModel->getThreadRedirectById($threadId);
				if ($redirect && $redirect['redirect_key'])
					$redirectKey = preg_replace('/^(thread-\d+)-(\d+)$/', '$1-' . $this->get('node_id'), $redirect['redirect_key']);
					if ($redirectKey != $redirect['redirect_key'])
						$threadRedirectModel->updateThreadRedirect($this->get('thread_id'), array('redirect_key' => $redirectKey));
				// delete redirects if moving back to forum that already had it
				$this->_deleteRedirects('thread-' . $threadId . '-' . $this->get('node_id') . '-');

		if ($this->isUpdate() && $this->isChanged('discussion_open'))
			$threadRedirectModel = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_ThreadRedirect');

			$redirectThreadIds = array();
			$threadRedirects = $threadRedirectModel->getThreadRedirectsByKey('thread-' . $threadId . '-%', true);

			foreach ($threadRedirects AS $threadRedirect)
				$redirectThreadIds[] = $threadRedirect['thread_id'];

			if ($redirectThreadIds)
				$db = $this->_db;

					array('discussion_open' => $this->get('discussion_open')),
					'thread_id IN (' . $db->quote($redirectThreadIds) . ')'

		if ($this->isUpdate() && $this->get('discussion_state') == 'visible' && $this->isChanged('node_id'))
			$indexer = new XenForo_Search_Indexer();

			$messageHandler = $this->_messageDefinition->getSearchDataHandler();
			if ($messageHandler)
				$thread = $this->getMergedData();
				$fullMessages = $this->_getMessagesInDiscussionSimple(true); // re-get with message contents
				foreach ($fullMessages AS $key => $message)
					$messageHandler->insertIntoIndex($indexer, $message, $thread);

			$this->_handleForumMove($messages, $this->getExisting('node_id'), $this->get('node_id'));

Works fine in my testing.
Really, redirects represent snap shots at the time - you can say the same about sticky state, visibility state, prefix, reply/view count, etc.

So, as designed.
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