Lack of interest More control on Title capitalization

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Well-known member
Now, if I select First Word Cap in the other words are forced in lowecase.


If the user input: this is My First Thread
the function return: This is my first thread

The correct form should be: This is My First Thread
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That's just the title case option (This Is My First Thread). What you selected is sentence case.
Is it possible to add the combination of two like in my example? (The correct form should be: This is My First Thread)
The words to leave lowercase are simply the words that *are* lowercase, and the same for uppercase words (a part the first letter that must always uppercase).
I try to explain.

Original title: i love the Lake Victoria
With uppercase function: I love the lake victoria
With future (I hope) and correct function: I love the Lake Victoria
Other example:

Title written by one user: the ONU and the USA
With forum function: The onu and the usa
Correct form: The ONU and the USA
Any part of the sentence. You can put in capitalization anywhere you want...

What option should I opt to make this work?

In my forum, 1.1.1, If I choose Title Case I get this:

Original Title: My thread Title is in Here
Result: My Thread Title Is In Here

With the Sentence case I get this:

Original Title: My thread Title is in Here
Result: My thread title is in here

How does this work for this case?
All of my sites are 1.1.1, and the option is...


My members can capitalize any part of the thread, in many instances.
All of my sites are 1.1.1, and the option is...

View attachment 23722

My members can capitalize any part of the thread, in many instances.

Yes, I know. Same here! :D

What giorgino is asking, is that the thread title be adjusted *automatically* only in the *first* letter of the title. As you can see in my post above, this is not present in XenForo.

Anyway, you can download the add-on to test if you want.
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