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Minorin - Standard editor toolbar

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I finally tried this addon out just now and created an image right quick for a button test using brogans panel code. Instant success...Untitled-2.webp
Awesome job there Darkimmortal, this has been on my personal wish list and it came through with the sickness. You my friend deserve some cookies.
I installed this today and it looks much more appealing then the current editor. I know it gets said often but this is one of those "it should be in the core" type of add-ons ;) Really nice job.

A few questions:

- I have The Happy Place add-on installed to manage my smilies. The drop down box offered in this add-on doesn't handle smilies as well as The Happy Place. I want to modify this add-on in such a way that when someone clicks the smiley icon on the bar, The Happy Place's box opens instead of the default box. The issue I have is....Kier did too good of a job designing The Happy Place! I can work with template edits but once I saw he used an Event Listener, I knew it was out of my league. Can anyone offer any guidance?

- Tooltips would be nice for this add-on.

- There are some minor functionality buttons missing from the default editor. I can add them back in but if anyone has already done so I'd appreciate copying what they did rather then figuring it out. Things like font size, indent, etc.

- Any update on being able to set this as the default for users?
thx Brogan! That information helped a lot. Table 'xf_user_option' has the 'enable_rte' field which defaults to 1 for use the rich text editor, 0 for don't use the rte. By changing the value to 0 for all existing users it will make this change for all members. By setting the default value for the field to 0, it will take care of any new members who sign up. Of course members are free to alter the setting as they see fit.

I did find one bug related to an apparent conflict between The Happy Place and this add-on.

- With the add-on installed and the RTE set as default, the Smilies drop down from The Happy Place works fine.

- With the add-on installed, the RTE set as default, and switching to the Minorin editor, the Smilies drop down still works fine.

With the add-on installed and the RTE not set as default, I noticed two issues:

1. The Smilies drop down link from The Happy Place now acts as a "Forums" link. Whenever it is clicked I am taken to the main page of the forums. I have repeated this result with several threads.

2. The "Use Rich Text Editor" link in the lower left corner does not appear when the RTE is not used by default. I think users should still have the option to switch to the RTE even if it is not the default editor.
How can I get rid of the smiley drop down in the Minorin editor? Right now my icons are a perfect match for what I see in the ACP, with the exception that I do not have smilies listed in the ACP but I see them on the editor bar.
Open the dark_minorin_toolbar template and either delete or wrap this code in xen:comment.

  <xen:if is="{$minorin.toolbar_smilies}">
    <div class="minorin_Popup" style='display: inline; top: -6px'>
    <a rel="Menu"><img src='@imagePath/xenforo/editor/smilie.png' alt='Smilies' title='Smilies' style='vertical-align: middle' /></a>
    <div class="Menu">
      <div class="primaryContent menuHeader"><h3>{xen:phrase smilies}</h3></div>
      <ul class="secondaryContent blockLinksList minorin_smilies_list">
      <xen:foreach loop="$minorin.toolbar_smilies" value="$smilie" key="$text">
        <li><a href='javascript:;' class='minorin_smilie'><img src='{$smilie.1}' alt='{$text}' title='{$smilie.0}' /></a></li>
Suggestion? Drop down for colors like the WYSIWYG editor? Other than that is works good o_o

Edit: Anyway to add this to the signature page?
It's automatically added to any instances of the plain text editor.
I have been asking for a way to add "one" custom button to the editor bar.
It's a TEX button that will use our Latex [tex][/tex] custom BB code.

Is this addon the only to accomplish this? I don't want to install a whole add-on just to add one button.
At the moment Andy, it's the only way to do it.

I know a few developers have looked into adding custom buttons to the TinyMCE editor, but none of them have managed yet.
I think KK might still be working on something to do with his custom BB Code add-on so we will have to wait and see.
Check whether it has been installed correctly then and you have no outdated templates.
Where would I add it in this?

<xen:title>{xen:phrase edit_signature}</xen:title>

<xen:require css="account.css" />

<form method="post" class="xenForm AutoValidator Preview"
    action="{xen:link 'account/signature-save'}"
    data-previewUrl="{xen:link 'account/signature-preview'}">

    <dl class="ctrlUnit fullWidth">
        <dd>{xen:raw $signatureEditor}</dd>

    <dl class="ctrlUnit submitUnit">
            <input type="submit" name="save" value="{xen:phrase save}" accesskey="s" class="button primary" />
            <input type="button" value="{xen:phrase preview}..." class="button PreviewButton JsOnly" />

    <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="{$visitor.csrf_token_page}" />

Sorry that I'm not too well with Xenforo code. It looks interesting though.
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