Migration PHPBB to XF2


I am looking at the possibility of migrating a phpbb forum to XF2. The forum has 150,000 messages but the biggest problem is that it has 25 GB of attached images (136,000 photographs).
On the servers and in PHPBB itself it is complicated to manage a single directory with so many files.
The question is whether in XF2, when importing the images it would remain in a single directory or distributed in different folders.

Another question is whether the translation into the Spanish language is official for the latest version or these translations are made by third parties.

Best regards
I had a similar size migration from vBulletin 4.2.4 to XF 2.1, except I had about 40 GB of images. The import process handled all of the images seamlessly. It organizes the images into sequentially numbered folders in the /internal_data/attachments folder, and then once the forum goes live it keeps adding images to the latest folder, and when each numbered folder hits 1,000 images, it creates a follow-on folder with the next sequential number.

Right now, my forum has 92 folders of attachments, of which approximately 75 folders were created at the time of import in March, 2019.

Thumbnails of each image are handled similarly, except they are located in the /data/attachments folder in identically numbered folders. Of course, the overall size of the cumulative thumbnails is much smaller than the full images stored in the /internal_data/attachments folder.
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