XF 2.2 Image attachments after upgrade from XF1 to XF2

This may be something basic but I've been up all night and I figured the right thing to do would be to ask the experts. :)

I just migrated a fairly large forum to a new host, and for the most part it went cleanly. We had a lot of attachments, and part of the migration process was:
  • Copy over the filesystem.
  • Copy over the database dump
  • Import the database.
  • Perform the upgrade.
I did this and verified that everything was working. Then a week later (last night) I did the "real" migration on top of the previous migration:
  • Dropped the database on the new server
  • Imported a fresh database dump
  • Performed the upgrade using the command line
  • I was still waiting on the attachment directory to copy, so I went ahead and installed plugins and what-not
  • Before I went to bed, I copied the attachment folder to the new server from my workstation (only new files.)
So now images appear broken in lots of embedded media, and while I was performing a Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails process it finally gave me a 503 error after running for hours and getting 653574 images into the process. It continues to do so, which has me scratching my head - server isn't really working that hard (CPU at 11%, maybe 200 MySQL queries per second when I was seeing over 8,000 during the upgrade.) FFMpeg was not installed last night - maybe that's the problem?

Is this likely to be a permissions issue, where 0644 permissions on the files in the data/attachments subfolders is a no-go?

Is there another rebuild process I likely need to run instead?

I'm not sure what the fastest way to resolve this is.

To better explain, I just looked at a thread where people have been sharing relevant photos since 2014. Other than the photobucket errors on early posts, they all show inline and clean, except these last two, which are appearing as follows:


Now, both of those were probably uploaded between the test migration that worked, and the recent "lets just copy newer files over the old ones from the attachment directory."
To better explain, I just looked at a thread where people have been sharing relevant photos since 2014. Other than the photobucket errors on early posts, they all show inline and clean, except these last two, which are appearing as follows:

View attachment 280379

Now, both of those were probably uploaded between the test migration that worked, and the recent "lets just copy newer files over the old ones from the attachment directory."
I found the same posts and this is what I see:

I can't click on them to get a larger size since I'm not a member, but at least this is what shows for a guest.
And the rebuild continues to die on file attachment 653574 - maybe i should just remove that one in case it's corrupt?
Can't you just trace down the file and do a manual check to see what the issue is? It could be just a bad file, but a manual check would at least give you a better idea.
Well, @AndyB reached out, and we talked, and his advice was to revert to the pre-upgrade state, let all the files copy over completely, restore the original database, and then perform the upgrade again to resolve these issues.

I hate to lose a day's worth of posts, but it is what it is, I suppse. I'll report back afterward.

Thanks for your advice.
Why did you copy the files and database, import, etc. for an upgrade?

The recommended method is to upload the new files to the server and run the upgrade script.
As it is now, I've reverted to a snapshot before the upgrade, I've dropped and re-imported the database from the XF1 machine, and I'm waiting on those million files in the attachment directory to copy over. (About 50% done it looks like.)

Once all is complete, I'll copy over the XF 2 files, run the upgrade from the command line again, and cross my fingers. I'll report back here with results.
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