Vb4 to XF migration : first steps


New member
Hello all

I am steering as well as possible a vb4 and a vb5 forums for 2 car clubs… since 2006 in France. Ouch!

The VB4 is quite big and I didn’t manage to have proper performances what obstructed me for migrating to vb5 some years ago.

And now, what should happen happened… Prerequisites have been disgarded by hoster and vb4 system is down.

So I am investigating…and reading all I can here. Thanks to all who shared experience :)

Vb5 is out of life, vb6 is very young… i was early adopter of vb5 and it took time to stabilise.
I don’t have time currently so I prioritise a stable software… that is why I am there.

I am analysing IP licensing model and will start a sandbox in the very next days.

My main worry is about migration…
I am considering subcontracting it.
It is quite a big database ; attachments are referenced on the drive and not encapsulated in db.

Hello all

I am steering as well as possible a vb4 and a vb5 forums for 2 car clubs… since 2006 in France. Ouch!

The VB4 is quite big and I didn’t manage to have proper performances what obstructed me for migrating to vb5 some years ago.

And now, what should happen happened… Prerequisites have been disgarded by hoster and vb4 system is down.

So I am investigating…and reading all I can here. Thanks to all who shared experience :)

Vb5 is out of life, vb6 is very young… i was early adopter of vb5 and it took time to stabilise.
I don’t have time currently so I prioritise a stable software… that is why I am there.

I am analysing IP licensing model and will start a sandbox in the very next days.

My main worry is about migration…
I am considering subcontracting it.
It is quite a big database ; attachments are referenced on the drive and not encapsulated in db.

We can help you for sure, we have migrated forums with more than 13 million posts and lot of attachments as well.
It's also very important to keep in mind redirects and verify SEO on page after the migration because traffic can decline after then but things are done in the right way it won't happen.
It doesn't hurt to do test migrations first. You can set up a test site and do a trial one. Configure the test board with all the addons, skin, etc. When you're 100% happy with it, you can then do a live upgrade, and just transfer the skin over.
Note that VB5 galleries are not imported by Xenforo's importer. I have that in my suite of custom importers, and it's been tested with millions of gallery attachments (that's one site that had millions, plus several with less).

Also, note that if you have custom user groups, chances are high their permissions will not work as expected, since VB and XF don't have the same permission priorities. You need to take notes of changes to fix them if you intend to do a full import after a test import, or go with an incremental import to avoid taking those steps a 2nd time.
hello all

thanks for your offers

i have just jumped in the water... and it worked like a charm at first test
it tooked 3 hours for importing data and many hours of post processing but worked perfectly

very impressed by XF !
It doesn't hurt to do test migrations first. You can set up a test site and do a trial one. Configure the test board with all the addons, skin, etc. When you're 100% happy with it, you can then do a live upgrade, and just transfer the skin over.

I just created a demo site to try this out, but the importers (including the one for vBulletin 4.x) seem to be locked away in the Customer Area. How does one get access to the customer area to install the right importer for vBulletin if they are only a demo user?

Our vBulletin 4.2.3 forum has a MySQL database of about 4.5GB. I have a mysqldump on local disk. To avoid the latency with a remote connection, it would be nice to copy the .sql file to storage that is local to the demo site. Is this an option?

- Bryan
I just created a demo site to try this out, but the importers (including the one for vBulletin 4.x) seem to be locked away in the Customer Area. How does one get access to the customer area to install the right importer for vBulletin if they are only a demo user?

Our vBulletin 4.2.3 forum has a MySQL database of about 4.5GB. I have a mysqldump on local disk. To avoid the latency with a remote connection, it would be nice to copy the .sql file to storage that is local to the demo site. Is this an option?

- Bryan
Buy a license mate.
I just created a demo site to try this out, but the importers (including the one for vBulletin 4.x) seem to be locked away in the Customer Area. How does one get access to the customer area to install the right importer for vBulletin if they are only a demo user?

Our vBulletin 4.2.3 forum has a MySQL database of about 4.5GB. I have a mysqldump on local disk. To avoid the latency with a remote connection, it would be nice to copy the .sql file to storage that is local to the demo site. Is this an option?

- Bryan
You have to buy the software to get access to importers. You can't use those on a demo site.
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