XF 1.5 Members are unable to add comment to profile posts


Active member
My members are unable to add comments to profile posts.

Permissions for registered user group shown below. Options are marked not set for other user groups.

profile posts.webp

Users are able to like but not comment.

profile posts 1.webp

What have I missed?

Use the permissions analyzer to check the final permission value, as there may be a another user group with Never set.

If the permissions are OK, test in a default style with add-ons disabled, to rule out any third party code.
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One thing to check, you see that "Like" link there.

Right click it and click "Copy link address" (or similar, depending on browser).

Now paste that into your browser's address bar, and change the "like" bit at the end of the link to "comment" and go to that address, e.g.



Do they get an error when going to that URL? If so, what is it? Or do they get a comment box?

Just trying to rule out some template weirdness and verify it is actually a permission error.
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Is this the same for all profile posts and comments or is it specific to profile posts by certain users? And are you certain this affects all users trying to make comments, or just some?
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I think this could be down to each user's individual privacy settings.

I just signed up and certainly my default privacy settings I've been given allow any members to post to my profile (this means people can post new profile posts and comments on my profile) however when I go to most people's profiles, I'm unable to post new profile posts, which is why I would be unable to also comment on existing profile posts.

As an example, if you go to this member's profile:

And go to Moderator Tools > Edit

When in the Admin CP edit page for that user, under the Privacy tab, what value is set for "Post messages on this user's profile page:"? I suspect it will either be unchecked or only people they follow.

You would still be able to post and comment because you are likely to have the Bypass privacy permission.
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