XF 1.2 Media Not Working / Displaying


Hi there,

I have recently had an issue pop up with media inserted into posts on my forums, when a link from a source such as youtube is inserted, it correctly encases it in the media tags, however the media displays as completely blank, like so:

Screenshot from 2014-02-18 21:32:20.webp

The media tag seems to have been inserted fine:

Screenshot from 2014-02-18 21:32:34.webp

I am not sure what could have caused this, I have made no theme updates or changes as of recent, I have moved too a new server, however it has been set up in the exactly same way and everything was directly copied over, I tried updating to 1.2.5 to see if that resolves the issue, but it appears not too

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you!
Also, please restore the XenForo copyright in your installation if you'd like support. PC me once you've restored it and I shall reopen the thread.
ACP -> BB Code Sites -> YouTube -> Embed HTML.

Those Embed Codes. Do you have a link to a thread with a media code that isn't working?

Screenshot from 2014-02-18 21:59:51.webp

Thread where the media tag isn't functioning


There are a lot of videos in that thread, as you can see by the amount of blank spaces

If you haven't added any new BB Code Media Sites and you haven't made any significant changes to the embed HTML code, I would recommend trying this MySQL query.


It will remove all BB Code Media sites and replace them with the default XenForo ones. This would eliminate any possible accidental changes there.

I will have a go at running that now
On your Youtube Match URLS:

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