Duplicate Make REQUIRED profile fields REQUIRED


Well-known member
Maybe I am just dreaming but I seem to remember this was a very cool vB feature.

If an admin adds a new profile field and make this REQUIRED then all members are forced to fill that in before progressing.

The xenforo implementation does not force the required field onto those already registered which to be honest is a complete and total PITA.

I would love this feature to be implemented properly on xenforo to make required fields actually required.
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It is MOST CONFUSING that this thread has been moved to implemented / resolved. The confusion is created by me now wondering if this was implemented.

I think this thread (along with other dupes) should be merged with the original suggestion. This moderation style would facilitate much better decision making on which suggestions to implement as all comments, dupes included, would be under one thread. It would also remove my and others confusion.
How can it possibly be confusing?

This thread is very clearly marked as a duplicate.

I linked to the original thread which is still in the suggestions forum.

You originally posted saying thanks two weeks ago.
What has changed since then to now make this confusing?
It is MOST CONFUSING that this thread has been moved to implemented / resolved. The confusion is created by me now wondering if this was implemented.

I think this thread (along with other dupes) should be merged with the original suggestion. This moderation style would facilitate much better decision making on which suggestions to implement as all comments, dupes included, would be under one thread. It would also remove my and others confusion.
Merging makes it confusing to some people who aren't following their suggestions closely. They could easily find threads they posted but may not find a post in someone else's thread. Posting a link and marking it duplicate seems pretty clear and easy.
Brogan I totally appreciate your comments and also that of king but the fact remains that all comments, ideas AND insight around a suggestion do belong together.

I have little troubles in finding my content whether its been merged or not. I think that's a poor excuse not to merge but I do appreciate brogan your situation. Damned if you do or don't.

Given that, the best thing is still to merge so that all activity and content around a proposed feature is kept together giving developers and suggesters alike all the info, interest and activity under one thread. Those who need educated in finding their now merged thread is just a nessesary eye-rolly side effect of a correct action IMO.
I know your predicament brogan and I'm not trying to be obtuse. Just trying to improve available info for the devs and add on authors
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