Fixed  Lowercase 'Open' in Moderation Queue

Jeremy P

XenForo developer
Staff member
Haven't looked into it but I noticed that the word 'Open' for reports in the queue is not capitalized..

I've just checked on here and on my site and it is capitalised.

Are you running RC2?

Have you perhaps edited the phrase?
It's a phrase: open_report

Unless you've edited the template and hard-coded it?

The template is report_view
The phrase open_report exists and is capitalized. Hmm.

prepareReport() in XenForo_ReportHandler_Abstract..
switch ($report['report_state'])
	case 'open': $report['reportState'] = new XenForo_Phrase('open'); break;
    /* ... */

I don't have a phrase with the id 'open'.
Ah, scratch my earlier, it's probably been fixed in the next release and has more than likely been rolled out here.

So I expect it was a bug and has now been fixed.

Let me check the latest equivalent of the code you posted above.

Yep, here's the new code:
        switch ($report['report_state'])
            case 'open': $report['reportState'] = new XenForo_Phrase('open_report'); break;

I'll mark this as already fixed :)
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