I'm building a dynamic page which takes the url of the Title of a section. These will be admin-generated and all 1 word with no dupes, so i want to avoid adding IDs to the URL.
I'm struggling with that the link() tool in the template makes all links in sentence case and being on a linux server, i want to avoid all case senstitvity issues by making everything lowercase.
Is there a way to do this consistently by leveraging the link() function in the template? I don't see any other Xf or 3rd part mods passing in a pageurl as a param so i must be doing something wrong here...
/mymod/Title/ -> /mymod/title/
I'm struggling with that the link() tool in the template makes all links in sentence case and being on a linux server, i want to avoid all case senstitvity issues by making everything lowercase.
Is there a way to do this consistently by leveraging the link() function in the template? I don't see any other Xf or 3rd part mods passing in a pageurl as a param so i must be doing something wrong here...
/mymod/Title/ -> /mymod/title/