Looking for a new host solid with optimizing xF

Jeff Fuqua

Well-known member
I currently have a dedicated server in which I run my xF site and a few others small sites for some clients. I am looking for options and want to go with someone who is great for optimizing a server for xF.

I wanted to ask a few of those of you with larger xF sites as to some you may recommend. If that sort of thing is not allowed within the forum, please PM me.

I have two recommendations.

One, is the host we use for ValveTime.net but they only have UK servers which may be a bit pointless as I imagine most of your traffic is US based...

They are Nimbus Hosting: http://www.nimbushosting.co.uk/xenforo-hosting.php

The other recommendation is US based and I've heard good things about them.


The guy to speak to is registered here: Mike Edge

I can also definitely vouch for Nimbus Hosting, regardless where your visitors are from, the support and service is outclass.
Here is my current list of recommend host.
All of which I am either currently or have recently used personally for a minimum of 1 year (or more).

* Current approved list

Iceland = http://www.thordc.com
Sweden = http://www.bahnhof.net
Germany = http://www.server4you.net
Sweden = http://www.prq.se
Sweden = http://www.glesys.se
Sweden = http://www.swedehost.net
Netherlands = http://www.leaseweb.com
Malaysia = http://www.shinjiru.com
Netherlands = http://www.transip.eu
United Kingdom = http://www.simplexwebs.com

**Exploratory list

United States = http://www.chicagovps.net
Italy = http://www.prometeus.net

*I've used them, tested them, and would recommend them (1 year or more).

** I'm exploring their services now and will report back at a later time (less than 1 year).
Don't you think it's a lot? Could get that specs in 130$ or so. No RAID 1 is kind of risky.

Not really for the memory and an SSD. Backups are made nightly to the backup harddrive and then synced with a local computer. I'm going to be reducing it soon though since I just sold my largest site.
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