Looking for 10 or so MEMBERS to help me.....

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The user stewart1champ was responding to has been tagged as staff on a warez board.
Refer: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/toggleme.27029/page-5#post-467988

Alright, your choice.

I cannot police every registration at the site. We certainly do not support piracy. They've been tagged? Not sure what that means. I was also accused of posting a copy of xShop on a board a long time ago, which the owner of the add-on finally came out and stated it wasn't me, he falsely accused me. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. It would be very naive to think that everyone who signs up on a "Fan Type" Message board is using a legit copy of the software. The site is simply for fans, hopefully, once they see the friendliness of the environment, the abilities XF has while in use, it possibly could convince them to get a license.

As I have seen quoted many times before:

You aren't "losing" customers that are pirating the software. They were never going to buy anyways.

We won't beg for registrations or participation. If fans of the software want somewhere to chat, discuss their site, look for hints, tips and guides, we will be there plugging along. Sorry you feel the way you do. Really....
Was going to check it out ... but I'll pass if warez operators are welcomed.

There's no way of knowing who has registered and who's associated to warez on any forum. The site operators do the best they can, fight piracy with the tools at their disposal best they can.

I'm sure there are many people stealing and are members at my site but until I know who they are there's no way for me to combat it (which results in an instant ban).

Just to add, is xenforo welcoming these operators? Not having a go, I'm just highlighting that they are members here just like they are members at xfshowcase does not mean what they do (if it's is proven they steal) is condoned or welcomed by the sites operators.
Joined a little earlier... :)

I think they're referring to this originally: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/does-anybody-have-moneybookers-account-here.42899/#post-461926

Update, apparently that guy (note, not female after all) was running a nulled copy of XF till they got license and are now legit, but he was also staff on warez site with paid XF addons were being released..
cclaerhout said:
It seems this member was a former staff member of a board that was releasing paid addons and XenForo version (until 20 days ago)
It seems this member wrote a mail to XenForo developers that he wanted to be from now on the good side.
It seems XenForo developers took the decision to accept him.
cclaerhout said:
I reported by pm to a moderator that those 3 posts which are talking about warez should be deleted if he wanted to avoid any problems and to be conformed to the decision of XenForo Staff.
It hasn't been done.

and recently found out it's a HE, not SHE lmao. i did report that though, week before I publicly stated about nulled copy, in report note regarding null and nothing was done lol.
Joined. Already found a few tips that I've been searching for here. Thanks @stewart1champ
The theme is very soft to the eyes, smooth and sharp at the same time. Looks really good.
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Mouth, Chris Deeming, stewart1champ, Shelley, vVv, I invited you all to the conversation.
I hope you guys understand me.
Reply on the conversation, if you want anything personal.
Mouth, Chris Deeming, stewart1champ, Shelley, vVv, I invited you all to the conversation.
I hope you guys understand me.
Reply on the conversation, if you want anything personal.

You don't have to proove yourself to me at all evina I'm certainly not making any judgements upon you. I dunno why I was invited or somehow got dragged into the pc so I left. You have a legitimate license end of story. :)
:p I figured, Shelley said it best.. and I liked her's.. so didn't really need mine there for it. Too many posts on that discussion, really takes this thread "off topic" lol.

If you have something to say about me vVv you should say it instead of deleting it since i got the alert that you quoted me.
Woah, I didn't say anything about you... Lol! I quoted the last part, and agreed with you!! Lol!!

That's what I did/quoted and replied with...I was being nice and agreeing with you... Geesh. :p

I think if your going to delete posts and not stand by the words you type you shouldn't be posting posts that you are constantly deleting. That may be a laughing matter for you but it stops situations like this, what we are finding ourselves in because when you quote then delete members are still getting the alert. I'm not sure why your deleting your posts but i think staff should be clamping down on this and removing the ability to delete posts.

If one can't stand by the words they type they shouldn't be posting posts they instantly delete after submitting in the first place.

You probably didn't intend any harm by it, but how are people supposed to know this if you know yourself that it may be questionable to the point your deleting it.

Anyway, back to it...
I said why I deleted it above there... that you said it best, and I "liked" your post because it was stated by you. I usually delete other posts, because after a while, I feel like it might derail the thread, so I remove it. But I tried PC'ing you again, and of course you turned them all off, and unfollowed me, so I can't even see your profile ...I usually like to resolve things in private... but can't. I just sometimes feel like why bother anymore here... I like peoples stuff, they don't do it return anyway, no one helps me either, except 2 people here.. yet others help each other daily or if they're female.. then instant love and support.. so I say "fluck it" and remove posts too. It's that unwelcoming feeling here daily... Evina joined as female 22, and gets amazing love and support, when in fact that's a male...So I guess that's what I gotta do too... And apparently you're against and hating me now too, by the whole unfollowing me and going bytch on me when I ain't even do shyt to you in first place.. .but agree with you. Damned if do, damned if don't... *looks at computer clock calendar date* yep.. it's that time of month lol. Too many cliques and groupie orgy love fests going on here... it's sickening.
I said why I deleted it above there... that you said it best, and I "liked" your post because it was stated by you. I usually delete other posts, because after a while, I feel like it might derail the thread, so I remove it. But I tried PC'ing you again, and of course you turned them all off, and unfollowed me, so I can't even see your profile ...I usually like to resolve things in private... but can't. I just sometimes feel like why bother anymore here... I like peoples stuff, they don't do it return anyway, no one helps me either, except 2 people here.. yet others help each other daily or if they're female.. then instant love and support.. so I say "fluck it" and remove posts too. It's that unwelcoming feeling here daily... Evina joined as female 22, and gets amazing love and support, when in fact that's a male...So I guess that's what I gotta do too... And apparently you're against and hating me now too, by the whole unfollowing me and going bytch on me when I ain't even do shyt to you in first place.. .but agree with you. Damned if do, damned if don't... *looks at computer clock calendar date* yep.. it's that time of month lol. Too many cliques and groupie orgy love fests going on here... it's sickening.

I've disabled Pcs but left them opened on the offchance something urgent was sent. Now because of the constant Pcs about nothing I've had to disable it losing out on a feature like one where i was asked to test out <insert add-on> which won't happen now due to them not being able to contact me here.
I unfollowed you because human nature shows that my profile would have been spammed.

Doesn't matter what gender a person is on xenforo I've always seen members get great support it's a part of xenforo I simply cannot fault.

I don't hate you.

Untrue, I'm not due till the end of this month. I simply called you out on post deletion vVv because all I got was the alert and found a deleted post you can see where I'm coming from by asking?

Sorry about the text colours
With regards to deleting posts. I would appreciate it if you all could delete any off topic posts you might have made in this thread. This thread is about XF Showcase. Not about this drama. Or about ex-members of websites. Or about anything other than stewart1champ's new website.
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