Looking for a developer to help me polish my current Xenoplatform visual design


Hi everyone

My current Xenoforo is looking good, but i'd say its at about 80% of where I want it visually. Its an electronic music forum, www.trancefix.nl

There small details I want polishing up and some changes to a few of the custom components I have. I am not looking for anything drastic however I am willing to pay to get my vision how I want. I am a UI/UX designer by trade and can deliver the exact details of what I would be after, I just lack the skill to implement it myself.

If anyone is interested please let me know, either here or henryculldesign@gmail.com
Hi everyone

My current Xenoforo is looking good, but i'd say its at about 80% of where I want it visually. Its an electronic music forum, www.trancefix.nl

There small details I want polishing up and some changes to a few of the custom components I have. I am not looking for anything drastic however I am willing to pay to get my vision how I want. I am a UI/UX designer by trade and can deliver the exact details of what I would be after, I just lack the skill to implement it myself.

If anyone is interested please let me know, either here or henryculldesign@gmail.com
I Just started a direct email to discuss further! looking forward!
Thanks for the messages guys. I will put together the UI and a more detailed description of the tasks I am after and then eventually approach one of you for your services. Thanks
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