Add-on List of addons that have been tested with PHP7?

leslie dow

Active member
Just that. I'm starting the upgrade process and would like to know if anyone is keeping a list of addons that have been tested with PHP7?

If the mods work with PHP 5.6, then chances are they work with 7.0 as well. 7.1 is where you're going to run into a few potential issues, and I've no experience with 7.2 yet so I can't comment on that.

As PHP7 offers such an enormous advantage, most people who have a choice will use PHP7. Therefore I doubt there will be more than a few (if any) addons that dont work with php7. php7 was released almost 2 years ago and xf is fully compatible with it. If an addon is not compatible with php7 by now then its not well supported anyway.
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