RM 1.0 Links issue within RM.


Well-known member
I didn't put this as a bug as I haven't seen anyone else having this issue, so it's probably me.

While looking at the discussion of a resource, there are two links that are supposed to take you back to the overview. The first is the linked name, and the second is the "Read more about this...". On my site both links take you back to the forum home.

The links lead to: www.talesof.us/forum/index.php?resources/bourbon-chicken.1/

Now, I assume that it's because I'm not using full friendly URLs, but why should this matter?
Okay, so I changed the board url. I'll resubmit the resource and see if it makes a difference. Thanks, all. (Like I said, I didn't post this in bugs because it was probably me.)
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