Link Directory (LD) [Deleted]

But this only means you can add it manually again and again to different categories, but not that exactly the SAME link entry appears in multiple categories, right?

you can add the exact same URL into different/multiple categories.
But you can not add a URL into multiple Cats in one sweep, meaning: you need to do it manually for each Cat.
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you need to do it manually for each Cat.

That's what I thought. It means that you have to administer three URLs if you post the same URL into three categories. Meaning I would have to add "tags" three times to three URL entries or change the language three times if it would change (for example). So it is not exactly what @sbj wants.
But you can not add a URL into multiple Cats in one sweep, meaning: you need to do it manually for each Cat.
Can I request this as a future feature then? Cause it is completely out of my mind why we can't do this and we need to post the same link manually multiple times.
4 more questions.

1) Is it possible that the categories can colapse to the sub-categories like the ressource manager here on xf does?

Like this?

2) Is it possible to make the list view smaller, more minimal? Cause imagine 1000 links, it takes just too much space to have all the pictures and descriptions.

3) Can we configure how much links we want to display per page?

4) Let's say I would have 200-1000 in total categories and subcategories. Performance problems´?
Can I request this as a future feature then? Cause it is completely out of my mind why we can't do this and we need to post the same link manually multiple times.
It's completely out of my mind that you would want to do this! TBH, I hope this feature doesn't get added. Threads, Resource Manager,Showcase items ... all have single category attribution. What you are asking for is so out-of-character and inconsistent with base XF functionality. We have tags for what you are wanting. Or correct usage of hierarchical categories.
4 more questions.
Have you been through the ACP settings at ? Other than your performance query, you can see the operation here.
It's completely out of my mind that you would want to do this! TBH, I hope this feature doesn't get added. Threads, Resource Manager,Showcase items ... all have single category attribution. What you are asking for is so out-of-character and inconsistent with base XF functionality. We have tags for what you are wanting. Or correct usage of hierarchical categories.
Sorry, but this is 2016, not 1998.
What you suggest is a workaround to the problem, not a solution.
Tags are tags, not categorized sorting.
"Correct usage of hierarchical categories"? I've seen your earlier response and it is just ridiculous how you approach the situation. I tell you there are more than PC games, for example Xbox and PS4, and you still put the "games" category under "Computer".

It is not out-of-character, it is the modern approach. I just showed you the example of imdb. Same is with many other websites.
Items can have multiple characterizations. You can't force every item to have only one characterization. Let's say I have a forum for BMW cars and motorbikes and I want to list them in the directory. Where do I put it? Under cars? Motorcycles? Or are you gonna force me to have a category like "motor-driven vehicles"? So then I can't categorize it good, because I must use a more vague term. So a forum for boats or airplanes will be listed under it too. So the user who wants to use the directory, who is only interested in motorbikes, will see a list of things he is not interested in. Just because I had to "use correct usage of hierarchical catergories" or in other words because I cant put the same item under multiple categories.

PS: Feel free to replace my examples with other examples. I am making them up to make a point.
Sorry, but this is 2016, not 1998.
In 1998 we had categories. And people creating big long lists of categories, and assigning items to many, many categories.
In 2016 thinking and maturity progressed, and we now have taxonomies that include structure and sorting beyond just categories. Tags is a prevalent taxonomy, primarily because it's non-hierarchical. Search functionality also became much more powerful and relevant. Usage of keywords and tags for grouping and sorting has become prominent.

What you suggest is a workaround to the problem, not a solution.
What you suggest is not a problem, it's a functional request. I don't remember anyone else asking for multiple category attribution until now, maybe it's something only you desire.
I think most people understand that hierarchical categorisation, with sub-categories, combined with tags for keyword searching, sorting, and filtering is the most common approach.
Multiple category attribution is generally constrained to information items utilising genre - film, music, books.

I just showed you the example of imdb. Same is with many other websites.
Keeping other examples relevant to the functionality of this add-on, these use hierarchical categories with sub-categories;

Let's say I have a forum for BMW cars and motorbikes and I want to list them in the directory. Where do I put it? Under cars? Motorcycles? goes in cars goes in motorcycles
I'm having an issue when "editing" a link. Once I click on the "save" button, the page stays in the attempting to load state and then shows this (attached)
Hi, I searched a little but didn't find answers, so:

1: How do I edit the NavTab to change "Link Directory" to something else?

2: When I create a thread, is it possible to edit out the "xxxx submitted a link" at the top and the text link below the screenshot?

3: How do I edit the "Discuss this link" button?

Bump for answers.

Also, as a future suggestion, if you create a thread from the link, is it also possible to auto create the tags on that thread from the ones on the LD?
1: How do I edit the NavTab to change "Link Directory" to something else?

2: When I create a thread, is it possible to edit out the "xxxx submitted a link" at the top and the text link below the screenshot?

3: How do I edit the "Discuss this link" button?
These should all be achieveable through editing the appropriate phrases, /admin.php?phrases/search
Thanks @Mouth

Number 3 I've done.

As for number one, I've edited ld_linkdirectory as well as ld_linkdirectory_title but I'm not seeing a change.

Number 2, I've no idea.
Found a template bug: It seems like the "Category Description" has vanished between two upgrades, it is present in the ACP but not visible in the frontend. It seems like it has vanished from the templates...

What I'm looking for is something with which we can create a directory of authors and optionally Web sites. So the focus would be on author bio/description, book listings, etc., and not necessarily on pointing someone to another web site. Can this be modified to do that? In other words, instead of "link description" or whatever, I'd want the text field to say "author bio. I'd want contact fields for, say, email. Perhaps a google map for location/area. And then I'd like those things only if the person wanted to create an author bio. If someone wanted another type of listing--say, for a web site--then another screen of fields would appear. Can this script do that?
What I'm looking for is something with which we can create a directory of authors and optionally Web sites. So the focus would be on author bio/description, book listings, etc., and not necessarily on pointing someone to another web site. Can this be modified to do that? In other words, instead of "link description" or whatever, I'd want the text field to say "author bio. I'd want contact fields for, say, email. Perhaps a google map for location/area. And then I'd like those things only if the person wanted to create an author bio. If someone wanted another type of listing--say, for a web site--then another screen of fields would appear. Can this script do that?

i have a registry script i use
Hey @au last , how about further support of the "Activity Feed" on xenforo by adding

1. User Rated Link
2. User Liked Link
3. User Submitted Link - ALREADY DONE
4. User Clicked Link
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