LD Link Directory


Well-known member
The author of LD seems to have stopped working with XF. His add-ons are deleted here. Some days ago there was a message that someone else will continue his work.
For me the LD is one of the most important add-ons for XF1/XF2. While working with this addon i see many things to improve. Maybe there are more people using this addon, maybe we can change it for our needs.
Last edited:
xf_liked_content => xf_reaction_content

When you try to rebuld the caches for LD, you will have an error message.
The fastest way for me to find something in scrips is ULTRA EDIT if you have no program for that,

Search for xf_liked_content and replace it with xf_reaction_content
Approve while movement
The LD will check the sites you have collected; when there is an issue the link will be set to moderated.
I use to have one category for dead links, i cant tell you why, it is like it is.
This means that all dead links are moved to this category.
To save clicks i have changed



            $link->title = $this->filter('title', 'str');

and add

 // CHANGED moderated => visible while moving

            $link->state = 'visible'

I dont tell you line numbers while my LD has many changes.


            'title' => ['type' => self::STR, 'maxLength' => 100, 'required' => 'please_enter_valid_title', 'censor' => true],
            'description' => ['type' => self::STR, 'required' => 'ld_please_enter_valid_description', 'censor' => true],
            'url' => ['type' => self::STR, 'maxLength' => 2083, 'required' => 'ld_please_enter_valid_url', 'match' => 'url'],
            'affiliate_url' => ['type' => self::STR, 'maxLength' => 2083, 'match' => 'url_empty', 'default' => ''],

For me it is enough to have 200 chars for url and affiliate, so i have changed it.
Some sites are online, but the LD/Google is not able to find them. These pages will come back again and again and again to your mod-queue.

My next step is no to
- build in a stop field or to increase the time when a link is checked again. I will see that in the next days.
Tonight i have found the next problem with this beta. If you choose "only links" in the search the "ld_link" is not send to the search. The results are mixed.
If you add &t=ld_link you havr the correct results. I am still searching for the right place to correct it. May someone has solved this?
Next problem:

Save a link with https://www.xenforo.com

go to edit, change the url to https://www.xenforo.com/ (https://www.xenforo.com + /)
while you try to save you get an error that this link is still here.

   protected function checkLinkExists($url)
        // Prüfe ob Link nur Domain ohne Path
        $urlSegements = @parse_url($url);

        if(isset($urlSegements['path']) && $urlSegements['path'] == '/')
            $url = rtrim($url,'/');

        $urlResult = $this->db()->fetchRow('SELECT * FROM xf_xenmade_ld_link WHERE url = ?', $url);


It is needed to exclude the edited lid from the search for example.

Also this check needs to be done when "data from url is fetched, before we fetch the data"
I really hope that the new owner/developer of au lait’s premium add-ons will take your suggestions into consideration. ;)
Next step: the approval page should show:
a) screenshot
b) direct url
c) only in my case a radio button to move the link to one special cat_id

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