Link Directory (LD) [Deleted]

Suggestion - 1

It is necessary to fix the drop-down menu (Category-List left side collapse). If I move from one category to another, it is always collapses. It is very uncomfortable.


Suggestion - 2

Need Russian alphabet or the option to disable the English alphabet.

p.s. Still there is a problem with "Везде" :) - 2016-04-16_11-29-46.webp
I really wish prefixes would be displayed in ABC order. That would make it easier for people to select them.

I know we can order them in the XF admin, but that's prehistoric and it should be a setting that automates it.

We also need more color options or ability to insert a color code rather than doing it with CSS in the extraCSS file.

Maybe XF 2 will have that...
@au lait - when I edit a link that already has a description, it erases the description and uses the blog description.

If the description field is already filled in when editing a link, it should not look for the description again.

I edited a handful of links, only to find that every description was replaced with the same exact thing.
@au lait - any chance you would create a WordPress plugin for this? Or perhaps provide a code that I can place in a WordPress widget?

I'd like to display my last ten links in a widget for my blog section. Then also display a "submit link" text link under it, so people know they can add a link.
I haven't used this yet, so a question in advance.

When we create a directory for links, and add one link, can we add that link to multiple categories?
No. But you could post deep links into different categories.
Can you explain?
Let's say I have the categories "computer" and "games".

So I want that the added entry can be found under "computer" and "games". But this is not possible, right? What are deep links?

I don't understand this lack of architecture. Neither the xenforo resources add-on, nor Bob's Showcase add-on, and neither this add-on (which all use category systems) makes it possible to use multiple categories. But maybe the "item" I want to add belongs to multiple categories, why is it limited to only 1?
Because it wouldn't help a user in the logical understanding of a structure. When you assign one item to a category, it is categorized. When you assign one item to multiple categories, it isn't categorized anymore. That's logical.

See a category structure like a folder structure on your computer, you can not save one file in two folders. You have to copy it.

The solution for this is used with a computer OS like Mac OSX and the whole XF architecture and is very smart: tags.

Make a more general category name and assign "computer" and "games" as tags to the links.
Wait, what?

How is it not categorized, when you assign one item to multiple? It is clearly categorized. When the item is described with "computer" and "games", under both you will find it. As from a user's view, it is highly logical. Let's say I am looking for an item about "computers". Where do I go? Under computer category. The same about "games". It doesn't change the approach in any kind of way. But it doubles the chance to find that item.

But now, let's say my item is best described under both categories but I can only list under one. Now, the user, who looks under "computer" will find the entry/item. But the user who looks under "games" won't find it, cause it is not listed there. So he will think "oh, there is no entry for it". So he will miss completely that item, even though the item would have been sth for him.
It is highly illogical to expect that users must find the exact right category they are looking for. How the hell is that one user supposed to know that this one item he is looking for is under "computer" and not under "games", whereas he is interested in games and not computer???

By allowing only 1 category per item, you are excluding all the people who looked under the "wrong" one. This is exactly the reason why forums die. The search system is abysmal. With this kind of attitude, forcing people to search for the exact keyword (or in our case the exact category), makes everything so hard to find and it needs luck to find the correct one. People can't be bothered with this stuff. It must be quick and easy.

The folder structure on my computer is solely based on my personal preference. That's why it works, cause I alone decide where to put an item in which folder. But let me invite you to my room and use my pc. I'll give you the task to find something on my pc. I bet you won't find it, cause you will look under the wrong folders, cause you will expect some items under different folders. You can't possible know my categorization of folders. Let's say I have a movie made in the 90s, genre crime and in full hd. In which folder you will look? Under 90s? Crime? full hd? I know where I put that movie, but u don't know it. And this is exactly the same situation here with this add-on (or any other similar add-on with this bad architecture). The guy who put the item under that 1 category knows where to find it. But all the visitors who visit that page don't. So, you expect them to find it?

Tags are useless. I don't want to explain why, simply said, it is a superficial categorization which only makes the situation worse, than better.

"Make it more general": nice. So why I do need categories, when I have to make it so "general"? What is the point of categories then?
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Hold on, my time is limited and I am not the advocate of any of those add-ons, so you don't need to get mad at me. But I am the advocate of common sense and user flow.

I will make a final statement and it's rhetorical: when you categorize a music band, do you assign them to "rock" and "electronic"? Or a movie, would you say it is "drama" and "comedy"? A car, is it a "pickup" and "roadster"? What would those creators of those items do? Invent a new category. In your case "computer games".

Or.... The Parent Category is "Computer" and a Child Category is "Games". And therefore you see all computer and games links in the "Computer" category and only the games links in the "Games" category. That's what you have as standard for all add-ons with category navigation.
I will make a final statement and it's rhetorical: when you categorize a music band, do you assign them to "rock" and "electronic"? Or a movie, would you say it is "drama" and "comedy"? A car, is it a "pickup" and "roadster"? What would those creators of those items do? Invent a new category. In your case "computer games".
No, they do exactly what I say. Neither do they invent a category nor they force 1 category. They use multiple categories.

Let see an example:


Do you see the listing of genres this movie is belonging to? They listed this movie under 3 categories. 1 item, 3 categories.

Same with music. When u search those online music platforms for "rock" or "electronic", many times with both searches you land on the same music band, cause they listed this 1 item under multiple categories, such as rock and electronic. Cause that band is belonging to both categories.

Or.... The Parent Category is "Computer" and a Child Category is "Games". And therefore you see all computer and games links in the "Computer" category and only the games links in the "Games" category. That's what you have as standard for all add-ons with category navigation.

But Xbox or PS4 games are not computer games. Why would you list them under the main category of "computer"? Do you see what you are doing by forcing the "games" category under "computer" and making it a subcategory?

And I'm not mad at you. Just commenting on your comment.
@au lait - any chance you would create a WordPress plugin for this? Or perhaps provide a code that I can place in a WordPress widget? I'd like to display my last ten links in a widget for my blog section. Then also display a "submit link" text link under it, so people know they can add a link.
Maybe a Links Dir RSS feed? Then a WP gadget could use the feed?
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So I want that the added entry can be found under "computer" and "games". But this is not possible, right?
- Top
-- Computers
--- Games
---- Your entry here.

As long as Computers doesn't itself contain any entries, "your entry here" can be found when browsing both Computers and Games.
I haven't used this yet, so a question in advance.

When we create a directory for links, and add one link, can we add that link to multiple categories?

yes, this is already possible.
You can add the same Link-URL into multiple categories.

You just need to check/activate the option for "Allow duplicate links" in ACP.

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yes, this is already possible.
You can add the same Link-URL into multiple categories.

You just need to check/activate the option for "Allow duplicate links" in ACP.

You can add the same Link-URL into multiple categories.

But this only means you can add it manually again and again to different categories, but not that exactly the SAME link entry appears in multiple categories, right?
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