Implemented Like/Dislike On Thumbnails


Well-known member
I liked a photo that Slavik shared -

Screen Shot 2014-11-13 at 7.22.32 pm.webp

Apparently, there was one more like on the same photo. Now what I see is :

A downward pointing thumb, with '2' next to it. I thought '2 people disliked' the photo!

Suggestion: Keep showing the thumbs-up, instead of thumb down. Use a difference color to indicate that the user has 'liked' the photo. Couldn't come up with any better suggestion; but the thumb thingy isn't giving me the right impression.
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You clicked to give it a thumbs up. You can click it again to give it a thumbs down, e.g. "Unlike"

As for changing it yourself, it's a simple phrase.

Change the phrase: xengallery_thumb_unlike

<i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> {count}
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