I just want to be 100% sure that I am not missing anything before making any possible commitment.
Am I correct that these are all of XenForo Ltd's legal documentation or are there other documentations, amendments, or notations which I or anyone else should be aware of?
- This is where I can find XenForo Ltd.'s license agreement: https://xenforo.com/license-agreement/
- This is where I can find the additional details to the purchasing and licensing: https://xenforo.com/purchase/xenforo-details
- This is where I can find XenForo Ltd.'s privacy policy: https://xenforo.com/privacy-policy/
- This is where I can find XenForo Ltd.'s support forum terms: https://xenforo.com/community/help/terms/
- This is where I can find XenForo Ltd.'s resource terms: https://xenforo.com/community/help/resource-guidelines/
- This is where I can find XenForo Ltd.'s disclaimer concerning any Vulnerabilities in Resources: https://xenforo.com/community/help/resource-vulnerabilities/
- This is where I can find XenForo Ltd.'s cookie (web browser cookie) policy notice: https://xenforo.com/community/help/cookies/
Am I correct that these are all of XenForo Ltd's legal documentation or are there other documentations, amendments, or notations which I or anyone else should be aware of?