Latest Threads Monthly Email [Deleted]

... and selecting the most X viewed threads something like

Rich (BB code):
$fetchOptions = array(
            'order' => 'post_date',
            'order' => 'view_count',
            'limit' => $options->monthlyEmailsThreadLimit);

Sorry, I'm not a coder... :(
For selecting lesser active users, something like this could work?

Rich (BB code):
        $users = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User')->getUsers(array(
            'user_status' => 'valid',
            'receive_admin_email' => 1,
            'is_banned' => 0,
           'last_activity' (some operator) (some value),

I think it would be

'last_activity' > (mktime() - (90*3600*24));

where the 90 represents days. Meaning last activity > 90 days ago.
'last_activity' => array('>', XenForo_Application::$time - 86400 * 90)

Could you then have

'last_activity' => array('>', XenForo_Application::$time - 86400 * 90),
'last_activity' => array('<', XenForo_Application::$time - 86400 * 8),

so that it behaves as a last_activity is between 90 day and 8 days ago? Or would the 2nd line 'overwrite' the first line?
Could you then have

'last_activity' => array('>', XenForo_Application::$time - 86400 * 90),
'last_activity' => array('<', XenForo_Application::$time - 86400 * 8),

so that it behaves as a last_activity is between 90 day and 8 days ago? Or would the 2nd line 'overwrite' the first line?
Great Mouth! I'll give a try on my test board and report back!
And for fetching only the most viewed, any suggestions?
On my board in one month there are thousand new threads. Should be perfect fetch the top ten or twenty more viewed threads :)

Thank you
It not works for me, if i run the Script manual.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /www/htdocs/xxxxxx/xxxxxx/library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Sendmail.php on line 128

Warning: Unknown: Error occured while closing statement in Unknown on line 0

And where i can change the phrases in german?

Need help :)
Got this all working. Thanks for a great add on!:

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